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Show ! DRAINAGE IN CACHE ! HAS PROVEN HIGHLY BENEFICIAL TO LAND I work on Richland Acres has made crops grow where old Settlers said it impossible. Plow with large steam tractors 7 ' f What can bo raised Oil alkaline ."V and swampy land Is clearly shown by 0 a display of vegetables and farm-pro ducts in the Cardon company wln-dows. wln-dows. Tho land on which the splen-dld splen-dld display of beets, corn, potatoes, 'squash, oats and wheat were raised, Js In Richland Acres, whero tho Logan Lo-gan Land & Dralnago company Is about to finish over forty miles of tile drains, tho first to bo laid In I quantity In Cache valley. Tho sugar beets are monsters, of good slinpo and freo from any dlseaso or Infections. Infec-tions. The corn, raised on land that was n swamp last year, Is eight feet four Inches tall and still growing strong. Tho oats will run 100 bush-ols bush-ols to tho aero and of. excellent shapo and variety; talten, too, from land 'that showed strong alkali until tho drains were run through to removo the oxcess water. Wheat that will 'go from forty to fifty bushels to the acre Is on display, raised an heavy lnd that hold water within a foot of the surface. The squash are products prod-ucts of a swamp and hare not been watered thlB summer. From tho Kearl farm nro largo potatoes that hvo not had any water at all. Tho display, as a wholo, is a most re-markablo re-markablo one, showing, as It does, bow waste land has been made to produce tho best of farm crops. "Wo have ovory reason to bo satisfied sat-isfied with tho showing of Richland Acres this yoar," sayB Manager A. F. Cardon. "When everything Is taken into consideration, tho land that Is drained and In crop Is doing as much as can be expected and coming up to our predictions In every way. Another An-other season will show some of our worst alkallno lands producing excellent ex-cellent crops of wheat, corn, beots, alfalfa and vegetables. Of this thoro can bo no doubt whatever. The crops this year havo beon grown under un-der such unfavorable conditions that 8 our neighbors said we would get f nothing. Thoy havo seen oats nnd 'Jr barloy raised on land, highly alkallno heretofore, that was Just brokon this spring, poorly prepared and sown In a vory poor Boed bed. Somo of theso neighbors Bald, 'If you ralso barley on that land I will bollovo In drainage.' drain-age.' As tho season advanced thl .- nolghbor put in somo drainage linos on his proporty because our drains had thoroughly convinced him. In fact, becauso of tho actual demonstration demon-stration In Richland Acres of what .groat Eood c6mes from tllo drainage, i more than 76,000 feet of tile have been laid In surrounding land, and touch mora is being planned. "Our whole country Is dry," continued con-tinued Mr. Cardon, who Is most enthusiastic en-thusiastic regarding tho resdlts achieved. "I mean not alone so far as liquor Is concerned, but also in the other sense of tho word. Wo are suro of theso three things: Tho soil drains very readily, tho alkali is practically gono from the root area, the land will grow excellent crops. What moro do we need? Cultivation Cultiva-tion Is all. To do this cultivating, wo havo a largo tractor with which wo havo plowed ovor eight hundred ajres, disced over four hundred nnd leveled over 150 acres, 'all this sea-Bon. sea-Bon. We will yet treat a great deal more. Wo havo turned up and prepared pre-pared land at a less cost than, I think, has over been done In Cache valley bofore. Wo nro dyking tho rivers to keep the water off tho very choicest choic-est lands to bo found in the valley, wo are ro-lnstalllng pumps to better take caro of tho water in flood times, and we are spending a quarter of a million dollars in this work. Our faith Is shown by our works. What llttlo wo aro doing to reclaim these lands, that stretch nearly seven miles along tho banks of Logan river, Is bit a small step towards tho reclamation reclama-tion of tho thousands of acres of wasto lands yot to bo treated in this marvelous valley." |