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Show i 20 Mil re I JiBHi. f w, InlLIS . .TfafafafafafafafafafsV Vi .bbjw .' TO ..amSffvTiwV. ra Jul MaMIBr Agj Suppose one of .your wheels col- r r& lapsed on a lonely road, miles from "" any parage or repair shop. Suppose .you had to alt by the y , roadside for hours and wait tor help to get home. Not pleasant h ' thought, is It? But that's what may happen any time if you go ', L out with loose wheals. ! SPOKTITE j SWtllsVood nMS2J2W a Tightens and Strengthens Loose Wheels m Don't take chances! Apply Spoktite at once to the shrunken M wood of your wheels and be sate. Spoktite goes right Into the wood, Jg swells It as tight as new and kttti it tight. Simply squirt Spoktite Into m the cracks caused by the shrinkage and in an hour your wheels will bo Jw faw. tight and solid. You can do this without taking the M SkSDukV whees Q& or apart. 1 fgC 25c Does a $2.50 Job n I wnKwl Instead of paying $2.50 per wheel to havo them W I stJ3r tightened, you pay only $1.00 for a can of Spoktite suf- V I Bsaia-s' ficlont to tightenour wheels. You can do the job In 'S I Tlittm At. Car. an nonr ant bo sure o having no further trouble. m ,1 riu.WMfa-b Mr.Jas.T. Irwin, Modesto, Cat., writes that his wheels ik T . were so loose he was going to throw them away. Spok- jjl k "BwirVfliMi." t't0 saved him the price of a new Mt. Thou- ff We"wlw sands of others use It with equal satisfaction. mKsr P. et Spoktite From Nearest Garage, 1 MxWimW. Auto Supply or Hardware Store A A JPvajSjssjaft What It does for others It can do foryou. Save H Bknr srV jrouiwlf from the annoyance and danger o( boss whls ,' , K4C4fl I V 1 W getting and using Spoktite nt once. It your dealer f ' Mn "VnmWr a I cn t supply you, write our factory ana we wlU tea that i VgTaM'pBKaaaal f yu set a quantity promptly. i mSaaaamX TsHTS'iSaw Manufactured hy thm I A.CrA2PV UQU,D WHEEL TIGHTENER COMPANY f BQaV" ak. Gn,r"' Offleet and Factorri Modesto, Cal. JJb Bronchia Botton and New York aaaaaaawawS aj '. - wrlllllllkkalaalaBVHiiiiiiiiiiBiiiaMapaaMaiiaaaaiiiBaaiaBaiBiaBavaa ! ARRIVAL AND DEPARTURE OF MAILS Following Is tho now Mall Schedulo at Logan, Utah, Postofflce, etfcctlvo January 1, 1917. TImo of Closing of Malls at Fostofflco. East, Wost, North and South .. 8:10 a. m., 3:15 p. m. East, West and South 5:40 p. m. Froston Branch (north) 12 m 7:50 p. m. Branch Loop (south), Hyrum, Wellsvlllo, etc ..3:15 p. m. Provldonco nnd Mlllvlllo, via n. F. D, No. 1....9:30 a. m. Bonson and King (excopt Sunday) 9:30 a. m. It. F. D. No. 1, Collcgo Ward District... 9:30 a. m. , It. F. D. No. 2, North Logan District .- 9:30 a. m. Tlino of Arrival of Malls at Fostofflco. East, Wost, North and South..9 a. iu., 1 p. m., C p. m 8:45 p. m. FroBton Branch (northi 4:00 p. m. Branch Loop (south) Hyrum, Wellsvlllo, otc 1:00 p. m. Providence and Mlllvlllo, via R. F. D. No. 1 4:30 p. in. Bonson anl K'njj (oxept Sunday) 4:00 p. m. R. F. D. No. 1, Collcgo Ward District 4:30 p. m. It. F. D. No. 2, North Logan District 1:00 p. m. All windows at Fostofflco aro closed on Sundays, tho entlra day. gj Goneral Delivtiry and Stamp Windows aro open on Holidays from I 9 to 10 o'clock a. in. Carriers make one comploto dollvory, I Threo dlspn.tchei are made on 8undays: Main Line, all points, to at 8:10 a. m. and 540 p. nt. Froston Branch, (north), at 7:50 p. in. J, M. BLAIR, PostmusUi. w .tMtiaaitMaaaMaMalaWMalaWaWa1aMaWaWafWHIWPfflllli to feel Fresh and Fit you must keep your stomach stom-ach well, your liver active, the bowels regular, and your blood pure. Your physical condition depends on the health of these organs. When anything goes wrong just take a few doses of Beecham's Pills and avoid any serious illness. They are a fine corrective and tonic for the system, and a great help in maintaining good health. A single box will prove the remedial value of BEECHAM'S PIUS Vf '' of Any Mcdielna In the WerM. Sold Try what. In boau, 10c 25c MANY GOOD POSITIONS Can bo had by any ambitions young man or woman in tho field of railway-commercial tolegraphy. We want a numbor of young men and women to preparo for tho telegraph scrvloo to fill vacancies caused by unusual drafting of young toen for Signal Corps. Preparo to help your country. coun-try. Wrlto today for full particulars. THE RAILWAY TELEGRAPH INSTITUTE, Portland, Oregon. Spokano, Wash. adv. 9-8. Has a High Opinion of Chamber-Iain's Chamber-Iain's Tablets. "I havo a high opinion of Cham-borlaln's Cham-borlaln's Tablets for biliousness and as a laxative," writes Mrs. C. A. Barnes, Charleston, 111. "I havo never found anything so mild and pleasant to use. My brother has also used theso tablets with satisfactory results." adv. Highest Prices Paid Tfor HIDES - JUNK - BONES Logan Hide and Junk Go. Tetonbono.tia. v Advertising makes the wheels Das. SUMMONS. In tho District Court of tho First Judicial District, of tho Statu of Utah, In and For tho County of Cacho. Brlgham Young Collcgo, a corporation, corpora-tion, plaintiff, vs. Heirs of Joel Ricks, deceased: Jonathan Ricks, Thomas E. Ricks, William Ricks, Hazel Ricks, Floronco Ricks Scott, Ruol Ricks, Heber Ricks, Lester Ricks, Brlghain Ricks, Samuel Ricks, Sarah Eleanor Dalllng, Martha Jano Ricks, Orson Ricks, Harriot iHopnor, Harvls Ricks, Ernest Ricks, Edith Mortimer, Elvira Wlxom, Joseph A. RlckB, Hortonso S. Hawk- llns, Ellas M. Smith, Margaret I. Smith, Nora S. Knight, Magglo S. (Wlnzorsrold, Clara Boyco Johnson, Maud Boyco, Ella Clarlnda Hoops. Arthur Soymour Hinckley, Margarot Ricks, Margarot Barrett, Thomas E. Ricks, Jennlo Young, Ella C. Jeppe- iBon, Josophino Fogg, Lavlnla Ricks i Fullmer, Frank Ricks, Erra Ricks, I Esther Ricks Wilson, Tabltha Ricks, Margaret C. Ricks, Magglo Ricks Pearson, Farley Ricks, Aspon Ricks, , Sofia Surrey, William Ricks, Perry Ricks, William nicks. QcorgQ Ricks, Maria Smolllo, John Kicks. MUllo Olson, Ol-son, Caroline Brooks, Ephralm Ricks, Ellen Archibald, Elizabeth Nave, Eleanor Walton, Mary Ellon Rich, Ircno Smith, Mary Bornlco Monson, Elmer C. Smith, Jnmos Albert Smith, Silas Thales Smith. Julia Boyco, Eliza Boyce, Rhoda Mason, Mlnnlo Mary Bowon, William Ricks, Joel W. Ricks, Hugh lllcks, Mary Smith, Joel J. Itlcks, Mary Woodvlno, Florence Ricks, David nicks- Ellon nicks Nlb-lcy, Nlb-lcy, Sarah C. Turman, Joseph Ricks, Annlo Ricks Fickstcd, Peter Ricks, Espen Ricks, Hyrum Ricks, Arthur Ricks, Newel Hicks, Amy Eliza Jacques, WUIard Ricks, Lewis Ricks, May Ricks, Roso Ricks, Alfred Ricks, Charlotte Smith, Zlna Anderson, Lois Esther Llnford, John A. Smith, Albert Al-bert E. Smith, Arthur n. Smith, Norma Irene Smith, Don Smith, Rebecca Re-becca Inez Smith, Ella Boyco, Stephon I A Smith, Silas Hlnckloy, Nathan Ray Hinckley, John Ricks, Silas S. Ricks, Wallnco Ricks, Lucy Ricks, Wallnco Ricks, Martin Ricks, Lucy Ricks, I Nathan Ricks, Joel Ricks, James And all heirs of said Joel Ricks, -deceased, other than tho porsons . abovo named, And James 55. Stewart as administrator adminis-trator of tho estnto of said Joel Ricks, deceased, defendants. Tho Stato of Utah to tho said defendants: de-fendants: I You aro hereby summoned to appear ap-pear within twenty days after sorvloo of this summons upon you, if served within tho county In which this notion no-tion is brought; otherwise, within thirty days after service, and dofond tho abovo ontltled nctlon; and in caso of your fa,Uuru so to do, Judgment Judg-ment will bo rendered against you according to tho demand of tho complaint com-plaint which has been filed with thi) clerk of said court. '- This, action Is brought to recovor a Judgment quieting; plaintiffs tltlo to tho land described In plaintiff's i complaint, and as hereinafter de-. de-. scribed, urjQfl tho alleged grounds thnt iho said Jool Ricks many years before his decenso orally exchnnged lands with tho predecessors In lutor-est lutor-est 6f tho plaintiff, whereby tho plaintiff's predecessors In Interest ' wcro to havo tho full ownership of ' tho said land hereinafter described, and that theroupon tho plaintiff's r predecessors In Interest entered Into . tho possession of said land In good faith, claiming absoluto ownership - thereof, nnd that ever slnco such cn-t cn-t try Into possession tho plaintiff's pro-3 pro-3 decessors In Interest and tho plaintiff . havo had tho open, peaceable, notorl-. notorl-. ous, continuous, uninterrupted, and oxcluslvo possession of said land, In good faith, under claim of absoluto ownership and tltlo exclusive of any other right, and adverso to tho said . Joel Ricks and hi) heirs and assigns, , and adverso to all tho world; nnd '. that during all of 6ald time tho , plaintiff and Its predecessors In ln- J tercst havo paid all taxes which havo been levied and assessed upon safd land according to law. That tho said Joel Ricks died Intestate on or about tho 16th day of December, A. D. J 1888, and that tho public records of said Cacho County tend to show that ho was tho ownor of said land at tho tlmo of his death; that tho samo was not conveyed during tho administration administra-tion of his estnte, and that In tho distribution of his cstato It was not distributed to nnyono; and that said public records tond to show that tho present heirs of tho said Joel Ricks, deceased, aro tho owners of said tract of land. That somo of tho helrs-at-law 'of tho said Jool Ricks deceased, aro unknown to plaintiff, and that their Interest In tho said land, and how derived, de-rived, so far as plaintiff's knowledgo extends, Is ns follows: That somo of them aro tho unknown holrs of Thomas E. Ricks deceased, who was a Bon of tho said Jool Ricks; that somo of thorn aro tho unknown heirs of Lowis Ricks deceased, who was a son of tho said Joel Ricks; that somo of thorn aro tho unknown holrs of Sally Ann Ricks Smith deceased, who was n daughter of tho said Joel Ricks; that somo of them are tho unknown un-known holrs of Clarlnda Ricks Smith decoasod, who was a daughter of the said Joel Ricks; that some of them aro tho unknown holrs of Tompor-anco Tompor-anco Hinckley deceased, who was a dnughter of tho said Joel Ricks; that somo of them aro tho unknown heirs of William Ricks deceased, who was a son of tho said Joel Ricks; and that somo of thorn aro tho unknown helr3 of Joslah Ricks deceased, who was a son of tho said Joel Ricks. That said land of which plaintiff seeks to quiet tho tltlo Is described as follows: Beginning at tho point where tho west line of tho southeast quarter of section six (6), township cloven (11) north, range ono (1) east, of tho Salt Lako Baso and Meridian Intersect Inter-sect tho center lino of Logan Rlvor, which point Is fourteen (14) chains Bouth 1 deg. 00 mln. cast of tho center cen-ter of said section, and running thenco up tho contor of said river following tho mcanderlngs thoreof in seven (7) courses nnd distances as follows: South 47 deg. 00 mln. east Bovon and 5-100 (7.05) chains; thonco south 80 deg. 00 mln. east four (4) chains; thenco south 20 deg. 45 mln. east ono and 80-100 (1.80) chains; thenco south 23 deg. 00 mln. west eight and 3G-100 (8.36) chains; thenco south 70 deg. 30 mln. west threo and 80-100 (3.80) chains; thonco south 10 deg. 00 mln. cast threo and 90-100 (3.00) chains; thonco south 25 deg. 15 mln. west four and 80-100 (4.80) chains; thenco south 85 deg. 42 mln. wost along the north lino of the right-of-way of tho Oregon Short Lino Railway Rail-way ono (1) chain to tho wost lino of tho southeast quarter of said soc-tlon soc-tlon six (C); thonco north 1 deg. 00 mln. west along said lino twenty-four twenty-four and 75-100 (24.75) chains to tho placo of beginning, and containing contain-ing eleven nnd 93-100 (11.9$) acres, luore or loss, and being farther de scribed as sltuata In tho southeast quarter of section six (6), township cloven (11) north, of rango ono (1) cast, of the Salt Lako Baso and Meridian. Me-ridian. W. W. MAUOHAN, Attorney for Plaintiff. Fostofflco address, 139 North Main Street, Logan City, Utah. adv. 10-2. ; - J.W.GARDNER LAWYER County Attorney Room 3 Court House, Phone DM N. t L. E. NELSON Lawyer AIUMO BLOCK Opposite Court House PUOXE OS. WALTERS & HARRIS . ATTORNEYS AT LAW Over First Notional Bank Phona (01 Logan, UUa ASA BULLEN . S" LA W Y E R r-'T' ' ' ,av-yHJ'JUSi. '' IS Commercial Block i Phone 600 Logan A. A. LAW ., LAWYER In Arlmo Block, acrosa from ths Ceurt House Phona SV ? -' LEGAL NOTICES. PROBATH AND GUARDIANSHIP m Consult tho County Clerk or the Respective Sijpiors for Further - Information, .t-jrr notice to cnEDrions. In tho District Court of tho First Judicial District of tho Stato of Utah, In and For tho " County of Cache. In tho mattor of tho ostato of Emma Hansen Welch, docoased, Creditors Will jpresont claims with vouchers to tho undersigned at hli placo of business at Smlthflold, Utah, or at tho offlco oT J. W. Gardner, Esqulro, Logan, Utah, on or beforo tho 30th day of Octobor, 1917. Dato of first publication, Aug. 23, 1917. ISAAC JORGENSEN, J. W. GARDNER, Admlslstrator. Attornoy. adv. 9-25. NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE AT PRIVATE SAIiE. In tho District Court of tho First Judicial District, Stato of Utah, In and For Boxcldcr County. In the mattor of tho estato of Mary Jano Johnson, doceased. Notice Is hereby given that In pursuance pur-suance of an order of tho District Court of tho County of Box Eldor, Stato of Utah, mado on tho 4th day of August, 1917, In tho matter of the estato of Mary Jano Johnson, doceased, do-ceased, tho administrator of tho said estato will soli at private sale, in one parcel to tho highest blddor, upon terms and conditions herolnaftor mentioned and subject to contlrma- i ipnnj How's This? ) Wo offer Ono' Hundred Dollars H Reward for any caso of Catarrh H :hat cannot bo cured by Hall's H Catarrh Cure. H F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, O. H We, the undcrBlKiied, have known F. J. BjfBJ Cheney for tho last 15 years, nnd believe him perfectly honorable In all business BBBBj transactions and financially able to carry ,BBI out any obligations mado by Ms Arm. , NATIONAL! UAN1C OK COMMEHCC. jH Toledo, O. : Hall's Catarrh Cure In taken Internally, IJBBBJ acting directly upon tho blood and mu IfS-SSJ roils surfaces of the system. Testimonials aTssTsl sent free. Price 75 cents per bottle. Sold by nil OrURCIsts. aBj Tukt Hall a Family I'llla for eorattpattoo. , BBBJ j iM G. L. CHADWICE f I Chiropractor H Arlmo Block Phone 18f 1 afl Offlco Hours: 9 to 11:20 s. m, H 1:30 to 5:00 p. m. U Evening from 6 to 7 f. nu tWW LOGAN WALL PAPER M AND PAINT CO. ! J. F. Shirmcistcr, Mgr. ' H PAINTERS PAPERHANGERS A large assortment of 1 M .WALL PAPERS & T ; " carried in stock ' '. B Phong Store 78 T M . frcgf(5nco 745-wl W J. B, ZQMBRO " CHEROPRACTOR jJ 9 North Stairway, Arlmo Block. I V Offlco Hours, O to 12 and a to B. j ''"" I Evenings by Appointment. N,fl I I j ': ' BB tlon of tho said District Court, oa H and after tho 10th day of Soptomber, i.fl 1917, all. tho right, tltlo, interest and j(H ostato of tho said Mary Jano Johnson, ;H decoasod, at tho tlmo or her doathc H unto tho real .proporty horolnftftep" H described, and all right tto and In tero3t that tho said. o3(tUo has by,' , operation of law or othorwlso, ac- 'H Quired other than or In addition to : that of tho said deceased at tho tlm. 191 of her death, in and to ono cortaln' iV lot, plcco or parcol of land situated, ft lying nnd bolng In tho County of Cacho and moro particularly do- WL scrlbod as follows, to-wjt;. .,55 'M Beginning at tho northwest corner 'M bf Lot 3, Block 30, Plat "A," Logan H City Survoy, thenco South 3 rods, 'L thenco East 9 rods, thenco North S H rods, thenco West 9 rods to placo of JbV beginning. -it !, , ital Terms and conditions of said sals? 'H Cash In gold coin of tho United States. Ten por cent of purchase H monoy to bo paid at tho tlmo of ths H salo, tho balanco on confirmation of 'H tho salo, tho purchaser to assume 'H paymont of and tako proporty by him jH subject to tho stato and county taxes -1 In tho yoar 1917, which aro now or 1 1 may horelnafter bo chargeable to or vtH a Hon against tho proporty purchased 'IJbV by him. All bids or offers muBt be !?H in writing and mallod or delivered mmU to tho administrator at his home 1st il .1 Fielding, Utah. I.tl Dated this 14th day of August, V$W 1917. WA JAItVIS JOHNSON, Sill Administrator of tho Estate of Mary Jane Johnson. j ijm OLIVER C. DALBY, Attornoy for Administrator. i adT. 9-lf. JH ' . raTBH CHICHESTER S PILLS 3-v . Till: KIAUONI IHIANDUaT' iJPaffjl VirW J;??11 A,k..'U"' UraraH for Ai 'fSPJBl bMUtfURS I'llla u Itrd .nTllolcl oiufc Yal TV -Zm93 noiet, teticd wlUi lOuo. Rlbboa.V -tBl ftl ! k !. nr .rrnr' v . BJBJ 1 7 flr r?f,", A,k'' "iM'irenfrEirw iM I Si iJf WIAIIOND IIKANU rLLH, f5 4 ' Av fi ronkiiownutini.Sifni.AlwtjrtK.iUbl t "-rSOLDBVOfiUGGISTSfVERVHHERE J M bIHbHHbVbHbVHbVbIbVHHbIbSbV ijH Irll-nnPFII In constant favor ;-H ABERDEEN isr I cause they have 'H consistently made M iiin nil u " n,w The hlflhest of ffll ODD IMP " around oai EH OrRliiU ""'"' rl These coals cost tM ne more than the bLb CANYON COALS of a 1 1 The M & L. Coal and Wcwd Co. I EHOfJ4 fiOtMN. UTAH H j.z.-H BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaTsTsTsTsTsTsTJ |