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Show I SOCIETY NEWS BBflJ Tho marrlago of Miss Margaret H Nlbley to T. Don Moldrum of Salt BBHM Lako took placo Tuesday In tho I.o- BBHM Kan tomple. Immediately after tho BBflJ ceremony a wedding breakfast was BBSS nerved In the now hall in tho Thatch- BBflJ or building. Cecil llrunner roses In BBHM u banket formed tho ccntorpleco for BBHl the tabic. Covers wero laid for BBHb thirty-two. Special music was furn- BBHH Ished during the breakfast. After BBSs breakfast tho couple left for Yellow- BBS! titono Park. After tholr trip, they BBHj will mako tholr homo In Salt Lnko BBHH City. Tho following out-of-town BBHM guosts wero In Logan for occasion: BBVB Mr. and Mrs. M. Nlbloy, Mrs. Mel- BBHfl drum, Mrs. Itebecca Nlbley, Mr. and BBHM Mrs. Joseph P. Nlbley, Mr. and Mrs, BBHB Harold H. Smoot, Mr. Preston Nlbloy, BBVB Mrs. Kmma G. Nlbley, of Salt Lake, BBHB and Mrs. Jones of Provo. HHHH BBVB Tillss Emma Uccles, Mrs. Georgo B, BBVB Calno and Mrs. S. J. Qulnncy cnter- BBVB talned at a delightfully arranged fivo BBflB hundred party Monday afternoon on BBVB tho l'ccles lawn In compliment ot BBVH Miss Margaret Nlbley. A dainty BBHBl luncheon was served from tables dec- BBSST orated In rod flowers, after which five BBVH hundred was tho diversion ot tho BBflBf afternoon. Tho prlzo was awarded BBVBf to Mrs. Karl Robinson. Tho follow- BBHBf lng guests wero present: Mrs. Ado- BBp H laldo Moldrum ot Salt Lake, Mrs, BBVB Julia Nlbley, Mrs, Kllon Eccles, Mrs. BBVBm Georgo I). Calno, Mrs. S. J. Qulnney, BBpBW Mrs. M. S. Eccles, Mrs. Hobort An- BbBBV derson, Mrs. Ernest Carroll, Mrs. C. BBHBB ' Johnson, Mrs. Earl Koblnson, Mrs. BBpH Wesley Howell, Mrs. Leslie Natsbltt, BBBBb Mrs. E. G, Peterson, and tho Mlsso3 BbBBP Margaret Nlbley, Florence Nlbley, BBpJBJ Edna Nlbloy, Delia Moroll, Emma BbBBb Eccles, Clalro Cardon, Gladys Smith, BbBBV' Victoria and Ruth Howell, and Lou- BBBBb lsa HHHH BbBBB Mr. and Mrs. Ariel Cardon enter- BbBBV talned at a dancing party Friday ev- BBHBM onlng in tho now hall In tho Thatcher BbBBB building, In compliment to Mrs. Car- BBflBp don's brother, II. E. Smoot, ot Provo BbBBBJ nnd bis wife Tho hall was prettily BBflBV decorated with gladlolas and asters. BBpBpj One hundred guosts wore In attend- BBpBB, unco. Light rolroehraouts wero BBPBb bbbbmbbbbbbW: served. Those who assisted in receiving re-ceiving wero Mr. nnd Mrs. Guy Cardon Car-don nnd Miss Clalro Cardon. Mrs. S. E. Noedham entertained at u Kensington Friday afternoon In compllmont of Mrs. Frank TIngoy of Salt Lake ABters and cosmos wero attractlvoly arranged about tho rooms and on tho tables. Music was a spo-clal spo-clal fcaturo of tho afternoon. Tho guests wero as follows, besides tho guest of honor: Mrs. E. J. Bell, Mrs. A. D. Doll, Mrs. Frank Earl, Mrs. II. A. Pederscn, Mrs. J. W. Crawford, Craw-ford, Mrs. G. V. Llndqulst, Mrs. J. P. Smith, Sr., Mrs. Camlla Smith, Mrs.. Joseph E. Cardon, Mrs. C. J. Fonnes-beck, Fonnes-beck, Mrs. Harry Farr, Mrs. Lucy S. Cardon, Mrs. Lee Thatcher, Mrs. Moses Thatcher, Mrs. E. I. Stowart, Mrs. Hannah Walters, Mrs. A. H. Palmer, Mrs. John Christiansen, Mrs. A. Cardon, Mrs. II. J. DoWltt, and Mrs. P. M. Nielsen. Miss Nora Eliason and Mrs. C. W. Hansen entertained Wednesday afternoon after-noon at five hundred in compliment of Miss Eleanora Benson, who will bo married next week. Hoses and nasturtiums na-sturtiums very prettily decorated tho rooms. F,lrst prize was awarded to Miss Eleanor Amusson. Tho guests wero: Misses Florence Carlisle Mary Carlisle, Valine Qulnney, Sarah Blair, Zolnora Ballif, Naomi Stevens, Ethel Johnson, Julia Ricks, Eleanor Amus- sen, Veda and Karma Parkinson. Bona Peterson, Hazel Hill, Irene Carlisle, Car-lisle, Arvllla Johnson, Clara John-Bon John-Bon Luna Peterson, Lizzie -Adams, Mary Anderson, Leone Thou re r, Ada Fredrlcks, and Mrs. Sarah Keller. Mrs. Joseph Anderson entertained nt dlnnor Sunday In honor of Mrs. Vivian Hargraves ot Pocatello. A largo vaso ot roses formed tho ccntorpleco ccn-torpleco for the tablo. Covers woro laid tor tho following: Mr. and Mrs. John H. Anderson, Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson of Blver Heights, Mrs. Vivian Viv-ian Hargraves and children, Margaret and Brit, of Pocatello; Misses Selma Eliason, Helen Montrose and Mary Wlllmoro. Misses Florence and Agnes Tarbct gave a parcel shower Thursday oven- lng at their home In honor of Miss Mao Lewis, who Is to bo married next week. Games and music wero tho features of tho evening. Light refreshments re-freshments were served to twenty guests. Mr. and Mrs. George W. Llndqulst entertained at dinner Saturday evening even-ing In honor of Mr. John Olson, who has just returned from a mission. Lavondor sweet peas, in a bowl, formed tho centerpiece for tho table. Covers wero laid for thirty. . Mrs. Lowls F. Winschell entertained enter-tained at Murdock's Thursday evening even-ing in honor of Miss Dolla England, who will ue a. brldo of next weok. A color scheme was carried out in tho decorations. Tho guests were Eva Woolf, Florenco Carlisle, Mary Car- llslo, Eva England, Mrs. Stato England, Eng-land, Mrs. Wm. C. England, Alice Charles, Ellzaboth Drysdale, Inex Thaln, Uvenla Cutler, May Qulnney, Delia Daniels, and Sarah Blair. . Miss Blanch Budge will entertain at a thoatre party tonight, followed by refreshments at tho Bluebird, for tho following: Misses Evelyn Ballif, Itachol Bankhead, Mamlo Bowon, Francis Thomas, Adelaide Nielsen, Alice Pederson, Flora Amusscn, Itula Cardon, Ivalou Budgo, Elslo Thompson, Thomp-son, and Itotta Hulmo. Mr. James Osmond Is spending a fow weeks' vacation at his homo In Logan. He will return to Boston, whero ho has spent the last four years, nnd resume his work In industrial indus-trial management. |