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Show j ' Louise Huff At The Lyric This Evening Dainty Loulso Huff who, with Jack FIckford, supported by Theodore Roberts and .other celebrated play-(f play-(f ers, will bo seen at the Lyric tonight 'J In "What Money Can't Buy," is re sponsible for the forthcoming production pro-duction of this popular duo. Miss Huff chanced to see the George Broadhurst play by the same name, and when sho camo to the Lasky studio, told Miss Bculah Mario DIx of its photodramatlc valuo, and Miss Dlx at onco began work on the scenario. scen-ario. "What Money Can't Buy," Cast of Chnracters. Dick Halo Jack Pickford Frlncoss Ircnla Loulso Huff I lladlson Halo Theodoro Itoberts -Govrlan Tcxler Hobart Bosworth King Stephen III .... Raymond Hatton Terdlnand Vaslof James Cruzo Tho Cardinal James NelU Countess Bonaco Bliss Chlvallcr Synopsis. Madison Hale, wealthy Amorlcan financier and Govrlan Texlor financial financi-al advisor: of tho King of Marltzlo a small principality of Europe, are bidding against each other for tho concession to run a transcontinental railroad through tho country. Tho American In New York Is op ; orating through agents In tho king- dom. Young Dick Hale, having just completed school, desires to make a trip and visit Maritzla which was tho birthplace of his mother's grandfather. grand-father. Arriving there, Dick meets tho Princess, who Is under an assumed as-sumed name, and tho two young peo-plo peo-plo fall In love much to tho chagrin of Ferdinand Vaslof, a young military mili-tary officer and nephew of Toxler. Tho princess Induces Dick to accept ac-cept a lioutenancy in tho MarlUIan army. Hale, Sr hearing that ho Is not apt to get the railroad concession, conces-sion, boards his yacht and personally goes to tho principality. He does not approve of tho marrlago until ho meets tho young princess. Although Dick Is an officer ho refuses re-fuses to dony allegiance to Uncle Sam and when ho is insulted by Ferdinand ho promptly resigns from tho army. Texler has his resignation Ignored and tho young American Is sent to prison In Ferdinand's custody. The princess hears this, but Is unablo to obtain his release with her father. Sho goes to Madison Halo with her two brothers and Induces him to tako them captivo on board his yacht. The senior Halo then enters tho council chamber, takes up tho loan with which Toxler has held tho king In his power and forces him to sign an order for his son's release. Ho reaches Ferdinand's ctstlo Just as Dick Is about to bo brutally treated by Ferdinand, makes him captivo and then, with his son, returns and send") a messago to tho princess to return from her yachting trip. Tho nobility of Dick's great-grandfather is established and ho and, the princess recelvo tho blessings o hot two fathers. K j,aJ'" |