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Show See For Yourself I The Results of Drainage in Richland Acres are H greater than words can tell. The farm crop will H speak better. Autos will take you there. ' Remember Land is a Good Investment. I Richland Acres is sold on easiest of terms covering twenty years at Q IH Buy your boy 10 acres alongside beets that go 15 tons and better to the acre. You can see it being jjl done now. The payment is only $150.00 a year, covering interest and principal. Act quick before 'M someone else buys. fl Buy 40 acres Lots 34 and 35 of the best soil on the old church farm. $577.20 a year will cover 11 interest and principal. It will produce 50 bushels o f wheat per acre, or 15 tons of beets. IH Now is the time to buy. Do your fall work ea rly. You are two to six weeks earlier in the spring ' on- tile-drained land. 'IH Call on, Write or Phone to the fl Logan Land & Drainage Co. 1 41 1-2 N. Main St. Phone 168 or Cardon Company Phone 99 H Autos Will Call For You , , iHIH "SAXON SIX" II c i n ii n I A Big Touring Car For Five People dpCCial 101131 lay jSHBIk, Logan Arms & Sporting Goods Co. J tlfiSH aWlPnniv ViWll i mQJipJ I Champion Gymnasium Shoes Reg. 90c 25c 19 II Spalding $2.25 and $1.75 Gym Shoes 75c l'3 Try This Test Yourself Tennis Shirts $L25 lo $2.00 . . . 75c 1 It Proves the Wonderful Value of "Saxon Six" Fishing Rods $2.00 and $1. 50 for S1.00 Take the Important features of bearings. So have 11 other ears semLfloatlng nUe. So havo 11 57-00 Guaranteed Snag Proof BoOtS . $6.00 Saxon "Six" ono by ono. ranging In price from $1850 to other cars ranging In prlco from j M Bear In mind tho price of Saxon $5000. $1200 to $4800. - , C-SI IH I Six $035 f. o. 1). Detroit. Saxon "Six" at $035 has tho Savon "Six." at $0.13 has tho Ex- LOCI 311 MllTlS OPCCIcll I Then look among tho costly cars Strombcrg corbarotor. So havo ido stornRo battery. So havo O " !H and seo whether cars of far high- O othor caw ranging in price from other cars ranging In prlco from lH I er prlco havo theso suno features. $1115 to $4000. 1H3 to $1800. I ,. G, TTJ., I? tf Q CH & O CO IS If they lo, that Is absolute proof Saxon "Six" at $085 has tho Theto's tho evidence. It's tho JDOVS kjCOUt 1 WCS l.eg. J.D( 4-aw of tho high quality of Saxon "Six" Itcmey ignition. So havo 0 other stralRhtest, dourest proof over I PH and tho rcmarkablo vnluo It Is. cars rinsing In price from $1175 nffcicd ns to tho vnluo and equal- I fi T i T T O I IH Hero's how tho test works out. to $1000. lty of any car. 100 COHIC "eHdltS Ke. "riCC ZOC M A j Saxon "Six" at $035 has a Con- Saxon "Six" at $085 has Uio It sets Savon "Six" nlwvo tho I O tm V v tlncntnl slx-cyllnder motor. So Fodders radiator. So Uaro 10 claims of all other cars, within - w i-v BB liavo 13 other cars ranslng In othor cart ranging in price from $200 or $800 of Its prlco. I Wrtfh JrfcV finf 111 M prlco from $1115 to $2200. $1175 to $0800. Wo quoted j on $035 f. o. b. I)e. UUI ASUUU.I MXy IVVr H Saxon "Six" nt $085 has Tlmken Saxon "Six" at $085 has the Spl- trolt ns tho prlco of Saxon "Six." I jH axles. So havo 10 other cars ral bevel gear. So havo 18 other That Is true. Hut villi nmnufnc- I H mnRlng In prlco from $1115 to cars ranging in price, from $1115 turlng costs going up and up It gm fm A 1 1 1 $1000. to $10,000. may not remain long at that price. I W'TVTi'WT lA7'V7in YirllA1 El Saxon "Six" at $035 lias Timpken Saxon "SU" at $085 has tho So plnco your order now. ITfT 3 LU 1 1 V C W 1 V W lLCll H Motor Sales Corporation You Want Athletic Goods I 43 South Main I I - V syj 1) mmmmmtmtmmmmmmmmmmm I .JH |