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Show MERCHANTS PREPARE i 1 FOR GREAT MARKET DAY 1 IN LOGAN WEDNESDAY 1 Dollar Day, Here September 12th will M be occasion for price cutting on Household Commodities. Look up IH Advertisements in this issue for H many bargains. M Most of tho merchants will have their windows prepared today with tho many good bargains which will bo sold on the big annual Dollar Day or Community Sale next Wednesday. Wed-nesday. Tho prlnclplo feature of tho dollar day Is that It offers such a largo variety to choose from. Every lino Is represented and ono may sec-uro sec-uro bargains on this day for many uses. Each Arm Is conducting Its Balo In Its own way but to mako tho day a great success nearly nil tho merchants are cooperating In a general gen-eral way. Last dollar day will long bo remembered re-membered becauso tho public received receiv-ed bo many good bargains. Many good values wll bo offered next Wednesday Wed-nesday although In nearly evory Instance In-stance prices havo gono skyward and It Is a dlfllcult problom for somo of tho merchants to And things that aro an lnducomont they can sell for $1.00 Howover, thoso who purchaso on Dollar Day aro sure to rccelvo many good values and it will pay them to look through all thestorea H and secure their needs becauso tho ill prices wll be much higher tho next ll community sale. IH For entertainment during tho af- H ternoon and ovonlng thoro will bo H special features at tho theatres, and- H a band concert on tho tabernaclo H squaro from 5 to 7 p. m. by tho jH Logan Military Band. ll In the evening a grand ball will ) bo given at tho Auditorium with con- I H tlnuous dancing. The Logan Mill- iill tary and Hydo Park bands will turn- 'll Ish tho music. Late cars after tho iH danco. Tickets 75c. Special excursion rates of 2c per I mllo will bo run on all lnterurban ffj'ifl cars for tho day. fj , If you want your dollar to per- f JH form Its greatest purchasing power, ' be suro and visit tho merchants list- od In tho special advertisement in 'k this Issue, on Dollar Day, Wednesday Sopt. 12th. All sales wll commenco rssssfl at 8 a. m. sharp. 1 |