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Show E. G. WARDE IN PROGRAM AT OAKJHEATRE Ernest C. Wardo, who produced "Tho Woman in White-," tho Patho Gold Itooster play, In which Florence LaBadlo will be seen at tho Oak theatro tonight, gives an idea of tin courage of moving plcturo director must havo in order to make a success suc-cess of his job. Ho was looking for a church to use for tho church scones In this plcturo, and his location lo-cation man brought him back news of what appeared to bo tho very edifice edi-fice needed. Director Wardo hustled over to the church In his automobile and met tho smiling rector. "I wish to photograph photo-graph your building for a picture I am making," said tho director, "and 1, would like to havo your permission , to do it." "Certainly," asserted tho rector, smilingly. I "But," said Mr. Warde, "tho action of tho plcturo calls for mo to break In tho church door." "Oh, that will bo all right," said tho obliging rector. "But, there is still more," faltered Mr. Warde. "Tho action of tho plcturo plc-turo further says I must set tho Interior In-terior of your church on fire." At last tho smiling rector became alarmed. "Well, of courso, that might not bo so convenient," ho granted. "Oh, it Isn't as bad as It sounds," oxplolned tho director. "As a matter of fact, we only uso smoko pots." "In that case," said tho obliging clergyman, "you may proceed. I do mind being burned out, but I don't mind being smoked out." |