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Show t -. I Dollar Day Only I I One Single Dollar Only I One That's Enough I i Bring it Ito our store and take home a Victrola I or Grafonola I A Little Each Week and Month Will Soon I I Make It All Yours Choose at Will. I I Thatcher Music Company H R. L. Harman, General Manager. I H . Logan, Utah. I WMWHVWWMHWHWVVVtVW) w Classified 1 H MISCELLANEOUS ' FOR SALE Now buggy and har- Bm hobs, nlso good driving horse. Ileal Bl bargain. Call 4G. tf. Bl FOR SALE Soven-drawer drop- ' HJ head Singer sewing machine, worth i B $25, can bo bad for $8.00 It taken at once. Miss Peterson, Mountain H t Cafe, C8 West 1st North St. C-D. H WANT TO SELL 47 acres o land HJ In Lewlston, 20 acres of beet land, 27 acres good alfalfa or grain land; HJ 80 acres of dryfarm land, 3 miles west of Preston; 40 acrqs of good lr; H rlgated land at Franklin; good homo BB at Franklin. All must bo sold at H Bomo prlco. For information and BB terms, see R. O. Hatch, Lewlston, B Utah. 0-30. Bfl FOR SALE Milk cow and horses. BB Inquire. R. L .Allen, Preston Tolo- BB phono Exchange tf. Bfl FOR SALE 3-year-old mare. Hal- BB tor broke. Good work animal. Phono BB 48 for particulars. tf. BB ' Ono hundred fifty thousand dol BB Ura to loan on farm and ally proper- BB ty. H. A. rederson & Co. adv. tf. BB ' -ns BB FOR RENT Furnished rooms for BB housekeeping, 1G4 South Main. 0-13 HJ n " BB County Superintendent Larson has BB given us a list of the county teachers, BB -which well bo printed In our Tues- HB day's paper. Y. L. M. I. A. conjoint will bo held in the Third ward meeting Iiousq Sunday ovenlng at 7:30 o'clock. Following Fol-lowing Is tho program: Piano solo, Miss Margurlte Edwards; vpcal solo, Alice Wright; address, Prof. George D. Casto. A bulb garden for $1.00 at Cache Valley Floral Co., Sept. 12th. adv. 9-S. FOUND An auto .tire, 32x31,4. new. Owner can got same by identic fying it and paying for this ad. tf. I Cantons' Dollar Special I m 12 only ($2.75 to $3.50) Umbrellas I $1.00 each. I I I Odd Pieces "Sterling" Silver I Values up to $3.00 I $4.00 each. H I EXTRA SPECIALS I HHf Bj I m OO Premo Camera and 5 Rolls of I Films for $1.00. I B I One lot of Fine Pins, 3 on a card I $1.00 the card. I H I I We Can't Tell You Here of All I B. I the Bargains I "SEE OUR WINDOWS" I I I Gardon Jewelry Go. I "bbbbbL bB. bbbvAbbbW Dollar Day Specials No Phone Orders 2C bars Crystal Whlto Soap..:... $1.00 2 $1.00 bottles Lemon or Vanilla Extract $1.00 $1.75 Schram's -gal. Fruit Jars :.. $1-00 7 pairs Children's Dlack Hose (rcg. 25c) $1.00 G pairs Ladles' Black Hoso (reg. 25c) $1.00 8 pairs Men's Black Hoso (rcg. 20c) $1.00 8 pairs Ladles' Tan Hoso (rcg. 25c) $1.00 4 largo cans Red Salmon (reg. 35c) $1.00 8 yds 20c Outing Flannel $1.00 100 pairs Shoes, per pair $1.00 100 doz. Men's Shirts (worth $1.50 to $2.50) each $1.00 $1.35 M. J. B. Coffee.- ;....$1.00 4 lbs. Hill's Coffee '....$1.00 5 pkgs. Treo Tea $1.00 H. G. HAYBALL Mercantile Company Miss Jane Griffin spent over Labor day In Lowlston, guest of Miss Mary Pond. This paper Is full of suggestive bargains on seasonablo goods, which will bo sold by our merchants on Wednesday of next week. All persons per-sons who oxpect to como to Logan to do their shopping will do well to scan over tho advertisements, nnd In them will bo found timely hints wherein many a DOLLAR can be savod to tho pocketbook. Mr. Doll Bell went to Ogdon this 'morning on business connected with his meat shop. I "" H Danco nt EUfa Hall Saturday night. I adv. 9-8. I 1 1 Through Mrs. Lorln A. Merrill of I North Logan, presidont of tho Relict I Society of that ward, every niombor I of tho ward was given a samplo gar I of Cremo Oil soap, yesterday, by Mr. I L. C. Thomas, local representative I of tho Poet Brothers Manufacturing I company. I Ij Uso KREAM KRISP for cooking I In placo of butter. adv. 9-8. IOLLAR TiAY I BARGAINS jgg i Will Be Very Numerous on Dollar Day in Logan And of Course, as Usual, Will Offer Our Share of Specials on Next WEDNESDAY WE WILL SELL YOU flfl 3 PAIRS WOOL SOX for H I 1 1 I 4 PAIRS 35c HOSE for J ' H I 1 1 I SOME BLANKETS for ' H I 1 1 I MEN'S $1.50 DRESS SHIRTS for H WW MEN'S 75c WORK SHIRTS, 2 for : H 75c TOWELS, 2 pair for H " 75c BOYS' UNIONS, 2 pair for . IBB13 MEN'S $2.00 UNIONS, 1 pair $2.00,2 pair $3.00 And Many of Other Good Bargains Too Many to Mention. JUST CALL AT OUR STORE VYOU FURNISH THE DOLLAR AND WE DO THE REST" FONNESBECK KNITTING WORKS OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE The New Fall Dofefes I Crofet & Knapp and Stetson Hats are now being shown You young men you well-dressed men of any age I come and mafte yourselves at home among the smart styles at our store. Ever since the new hats arrived, wc have been trying them on, studying the effects on different faces of each ' I modification of crown, brim nnd trimming. If you wish, we can quickly show you several which will look as though they had been designed for you personally. Howell Brothers Logan's foremost clothiers |