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Show W. F. JENSEN CANDY SHOP When a young man makes good, It Is a good thing to recognlzo th fact. When Mr. W. r. JonBon carao to Logan, threo years ago, and purchased pur-chased tho Ozark candy shop, everybody every-body said the third candy factory in Logan would not pay. Mr. Jenson, of course, being an experienced ex-perienced candy man, could soo tho opportunity of his llfo here, if somo other bjgger nnd stronger firm did not beat him to it. By hard work, oarly and late, ho has made a big success. When ho started In the old Ozark shop, ho did all tho work himself. him-self. He would make his candles at night and servo behind tho fountain and shelves In tho day. Today ho employs em-ploys regularly thirty people Ho has three largo auto trucks carrying his products to' all tho nearby settlements. settle-ments. Only a short tlmo ago he located lo-cated a branch In Ogden. Ho has worked tho territory of northern Utah and southern Idaho so hard that he is practically alone now as n wholesaler. Ho has Just recently in- -stalled a large chocolate room, and ho is importing nn experienced choc olate dipper from California to tako charge of tho dipping. All his machinery ma-chinery Is now, including bis tables and furnaces. . , |