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Show RICHMOND DEPARTMENT News From the Lively Town up North h. Wchmond, Sopt. t7. Onco moro the hot days of summer are ovor and a breath of autumn is felt in the air. During tho last few days the sklfi3 havo bedn cloudy and somo rain has ft fallen. " Everybody is busy preparing for winter. Tho farmers are finishing up their harvesting, filling bIIos, plowing and pitting In grain, and in a few days beet digging will begin. Housewives are busy drying and putting put-ting up vegetables and fruits. Senator J. W. Funk and wife havo made a brief visit to Salt Lako City and Ogdon. Mr. Walstein Hendricks, with wlft and babe, will make his home at Ft. Collins again this winter, and Mr. Hendricks will resume his votorlnary studies. Tho Itellof Society will hold their regular meeting in the club rooms next Tuesday at tho usual time. The following members havo been added to the Ited Cross organization: Mrs. Thomas Griffith, Mrs. Eliza Johnson, Mr. Alma Olsen, Mr. F. H Olsen, Mr. C. Z. Harris, and Mr. Watt Thompson. Mrs. Hattto Chrlstensen has returned re-turned homo from Salt Lake City with a largo supply of fall hats, coats and suits, that will bo on display In her windows and in her store. All her goods aro up-to-dato and beautiful. Edward Webb, Fred Chrlstensen and Alvin Balr are in Idaho on a fishing trip. Tho South ward Primary bazaar was a great success. Everybody was pleased and delighted with tho entertainment enter-tainment at night, and praised the , beautiful costumes and tho splendid performances of tho wearers. About $75.00 was cleared for, their meeting houso. Last Wednesday, Mr. Bryant Hendricks Hend-ricks and Miss Dertha Itookelley of Smlthflold were united In marriago at tho Logan templo. Congratulations Congratula-tions woro extended by the community. commun-ity. Mr. Hyrum Monson and two sons 1 -r of Ogden. wore visitors here Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Morrill motored mo-tored from Oxford Sunday to visit with their poople in thoir homo town. Mr. Merrill's two oldest sons have boon drafted for the war and have passed tho first examination. Tho second bids on tho South ward meeting houso resulted in Mr. Johnson John-son of Preston getting tho Job of erecting tho building. Miss OUvo Hendricks has returned re-turned from a 29 months' mission to the northern states. She spoke to tho chlldron in Sunday school and also at sacrament meeting last Sunday. Sun-day. Tho people of her homo town aro glad to see hec in thoir midst again. Mr. David Smith, Sr., Is making a visit to Itoxburg and Sugar City. Mrs. Maria Schow was pleasantly surprised, Monday, by her children, grandchildren and near relatives, tho occasion being her 83rd birthday. fine dinner was prepared by her daughters and a moat pleasant day enjoyed. Also Mrs. J. W. Morton was pleasantly pleas-antly surprised ono day last week, provipus to her departure for California, Cali-fornia, whero she soon will Join her husband and son. She Is now making a short visit In Hyde Park with her parents. Mrs. Don VanDyke and Miss Violet Henderson of San Jose, Cat., aro visitors vis-itors with Mr. and Mrs. Willis Hendricks. Hend-ricks. Thoso people aro friends from Mr. Hendricks' mission field. Last week Miss Linda Burnham and Mr. Neaf Hamlin of'Kanab were united In marriage at the Salt Lake tomplo. Also Mr. Chas. Penrose Burnham and Miss Ethloen Fosgreu of Brlgham were Joined in wedlock at tho tomplo tho next day. All four are now on a wedding tour to the coast, after which Linda and hus- band will make their homo in Kanab, and Penrose and wife in Salt Lako City, where he has been steadily employed em-ployed at office work during the last four years. Miss Linda was ono of our kindergarden school toachers, for which she had a natural talent and love, and when she accepted a position posi-tion as teacher In Kanab two years ago, all wlib realized her worth as a teacher wero sorry indeed to part with her here. Both Linda and Pen-roso Pen-roso wero prominent young people of our town, and all who know thorn Join hands In wishing them a happy future fu-ture in their married life. Dr. McQulsten had tho misfortune of dropping a heavy plank on his foot last week with the result that the big too Is almost smashed, bones and all. He Is now petting a very sore foot. Mrs. Roy Robinson's little girl fell on tho pavement and cut a deep gush In her cheek. Dr. Adamson sowed up and dressed tho wound. Last Friday, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Stoddard received, ns guests to their homo, Mr. and Mrs. Palmer and Mls Richards of Logan, who brought with ijPH .them Elder O. A. Turner of Lago, 'lH Idaho. Elder Turner has just re- mil turned from Japan and brings fresh iPfl nows to Mr. and Mrs. Stoddard ot H their son, Ray, who Is laboring In lH the mission field thero. Ho says Ray !H Is feeling flno and enjoys the work. H |