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Show LOGAN SALES AND SERVICE GO. MAKE RECORD ...- When Frank Peart took ovor th'3 agency for tho Falgo car, It was an unknown artlclo as far as this territory ter-ritory was concerned, but now, in less than ono year, ho has Bold enough en-ough cars to make thorn a very common com-mon artlclo on tho roads of this locality. lo-cality. Mr. Peart organtzod tho Logan Lo-gan Sales & Servlco company with garage and salesroom on Fast First North street. Ho stated tho other day that he was now looking for a bigger and better garage, it ho is to keep up with the demands of the public for the Palgo cars. Associated with Mr. Peart are Blaine Alexander and Frank Thatcher, Thatch-er, both gentlemen with years' of experience in handling and selling autos. The Logan Sales & Servlco company havo taken over, In connection connec-tion with their Palgo cars, tho agency for tho Chevrolet. For a cheap car, tho Chevrolet has fow competitors. Following aro a fow of tho Paige owners in this locality: It. T. Thorn-ley, Thorn-ley, Smlthfleld; T. S. Kerren, D. D Duttars, Thos. Bowden, W. A. Blair, Mrs. Mike Mower, Lewlston; Jno. Duttars, Clarkston; Jno. A. Thompson, Thomp-son, Clarkston; J. D. Baker, Mcndon; Moroni Beck, Wlllard Ballard, Ernest Ern-est Ballard, Frank Griffin; two In Evanston; seven In Star valley; Wm. VanFlcet, Garland; B. C. Call, Brig-ham; Brig-ham; W. II. Bernard, Brlgham; Lyman Ly-man Marblo, J. P. Balnard, Dowoy-vlllo; Dowoy-vlllo; Wlllard Parker, Jas. C. Parker, H. C. Parker, Jas. Lelshman, Wells-ivlllo; Wells-ivlllo; Georgo W. Davis, Avon; Nlel-son Nlel-son Bros., Millvlllo; Anthon Anderson, Ander-son, Atty. A. E. Bowen, Prof. C. W. Porter, Alfred Plcot, Logan. Ono , Chevrolet has been purchased by Geo. E. Hancoy of Hydo Park, fe i |