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Show NEWS FROM WELLSVILLE Wellsvllle, Sept. 6. Private Carl Crookston spent Sunday with frlend3 hero beforo his return to Fort Douglas. Mrs. Joseph Parkinson entertained the Maplo Circle Wednesday, Sept. 6, at tho homo of her mother, Mrs. Ester Williamson. Funeral services woro held In the Wollsvlllo tnbernacle Monday, Sept. 3, over the remains of Mrs. Gcorgo Phillips, wife of tho lato Dr. Phillips. She was a former respected resident of Wellsvllle, but for the past few years sho has been living In Logan. A profusion of flowers testified to 0 the loving respect held for tho deceased. de-ceased. The remains were Interred In the Wellsvllle cemetery. Mr. John S. Baugh was accidentally accidental-ly run over by an automobile which was driven by Mr. Fred Darley, Jr. Mr. Baugh was quite badly hurt but at present is said to bo on the improve. im-prove. A big crowd of out-of-town pcoplo enjoyed dancing at the Wellsvllle pavilion pa-vilion Monday evening. I Tho Wellsvllle butcher shop has again changed hands, tho new manager man-ager being Mr. John Bailey. Miss Verna Maughan entertained Wednesday afternoon at a handkerchief handker-chief shower for Miss Zella Stuart and Miss Lulu Jones, who leave for tho L. D. S. hospital Monday, Sept. 10. A delicious lunch was served to twenty-four guests. Tho guests of honor received many beautiful handkerchiefs hand-kerchiefs and tho best wishes for a successful career from a host of friends. Mrs. Howard Jones Is recovering after a threatened attack of typhoid. A crowd of our young tolks mo- tored to Brlghara City and the Hot Spring tho early part of tho week, where they enjoyed a delightful swim at tho springs. Later In tho day they motored, back to Brlgham, whero they enjoyed a watermelon feed. Tho members of tho party were Misses Laltena Jones, Verna I Maughan, Zella Glenn, Gladys Lelsh-man, Lelsh-man, Etliol Bradshaw and Margaritc Painter, Messrs. Irvln, Carl, Elvero and Warren . Lelshman, Nowoll Brenchley and Artel Maughan. Mr. and Mrs. James Bradshaw announce) an-nounce) tho engagement of their daughter, Florence, to Mr. Mernlo Nelson of Geneva, Utah. Tho marriage mar-riage will take place September 12. A bundlo shower was enjoyed by sixty of the friends of Miss Florence Bradshaw at her sanyon homo Saturday, Sat-urday, Stpi. 1. Golden glow was used to doenrato tho rooms and porches. During tho evening a most delicious lunch was served. Many beautiful vocal selections were rend ered by Mr. and Mrs. John Bailey. Miss Bradshaw was tho happy recipient re-cipient of many beautiful and useful presents and tho best wishes for a prosperous and happy future. Miss Delva Haycock spent weekend week-end In Salt I. alto. Miss Elva Murray entertained at a bundlo shower complimentary to Miss Mabel Shipley of Paradise, who is to be a September brldo, Wednesday Wednes-day afternoon. During tho afternoon a dainty lunch was served to thirty guests. Garden flowers were used In profusion about tho rooms and porches. Congratulations and marfy beautiful and useful presents wcro received by Miss Shipley. Mr. David Murray Is homo again nfter spending tho summer In Hex-burg, Hex-burg, Idaho. Mrs. Wm. S. Glenn entertained a number of the young friends of her son, Elmer, Tuesday, Sept. 4, tho occasion oc-casion being tho young man's fourteenth four-teenth birthday. A nice supper was served, after which games nnd musto wcro enjoyed by tho happy crowd. Mr. Ilulon Maughan Is homo again after spending tho summer In Idaho Falls with his sister, Mrs. Thomas Walters. Mr. and Mrs. John Wyatt and Mrs. Franklin Gunnoll wero Ogdcn visitors visit-ors last week on business. Mrs. Wm. M. Halsam and children returned to their homo In Salt Lake, Sunday, after spending n few days with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Haslam. Mr. and Mrs. Stevo Baxter and Ht-tlo Ht-tlo daughter, Elaine, of Logan suont tho week-end with their parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. Vflllard Baxter. A baby girl arrived at tho homo of Bishop and Mrs. Charles Maughan, Thursday. Mrs. Lawrence Prlco and Mrs. Sarah Williams returned to their homo In Salt Lako after spending a few days with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Poppleton. I Mrs. Ida Balr and children ere - m hero from Juniper, Idaho, after H spending tho summer there. IH Mr. nnd Mrs. Archlo Maughan and iLiH Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Darley spent the l week-end In Blacksmith Fork canyon. 'H |