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Show Can't You Employ Students Tho time Is at hand when students wilt soon be in our midst again. Wo all welcome them back with their joyous joy-ous spirits and llve-wlro enthusiasm. Everyone who has lived any length of time In beautiful Logan knows tho tremendous benefits she has received from the educational Institutions within her borders. Thousands upon thousands of dollars aro spent hero annually by tho faculty and students, to say nothing of tho hundreds of thousands of dollars that have been spont hero by tho colleges themselves. them-selves. Every business man, homo kcoper, and resident In this city has experienced experi-enced tho benefits that come to Logan Lo-gan each year on tho return of the students. It should therefore, bo an annual pleasure for tho people hero to tako a real Interest In tho welfaro of tho students and to treat them In a way as wolcomo guests within our gates,. Many of theso students havo not sufficient funds to pay all their col-lego col-lego expenses and yet they aro ambitious am-bitious and energetic, and desire to obtain an education. To get It they are willing and anxious to secure employment to help defray their expenses. ex-penses. An opportunity is thus offered of-fered for a reciprocal relation bo-1 tweon tho people of Logan and tho students that Is of mutual benefit to both. A great many business men and housekeepers havo odd Jobs or steady work at certain hours of tho day for which they need help. Many others can easily provide somo work for tho students It their attentions wero directed to tho matter. The call is therefore mado herewith here-with for nil the people of Logan, who can provide somo work for collego students during the coming winter, to communlcato that fact at onco to tho officials at tho colleges. Let them know how many students you can employ, whether young mon or young women aro desired, tho kind of work you have, tho hours thoy aro wanted, and tho rato of pay for the service performed. This is a very Important mattor and should bo given giv-en attention at once. Tho A. C. faculty fac-ulty commltteo In student employment employ-ment already has dozens of applications applica-tions for work from tho Incoming students. The townspeoplo should and will respond In a generous spirit and either find a way or make It by which thoy can provldo theso students stud-ents with employment. Tho request Is mado that you either telephone or wrlto your wants to tho president's secretary at the I Agricultural collego or to M. C. Merrill, Mer-rill, chairman of the faculty comml'-teo comml'-teo on students employment. During Dur-ing oflco hours, phono president's office, 101. Beforo and after office hours call M. C. Merrill, phono 340. This means you, and YOU, and YOU. |