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Show if M Published' by the I REPUBLICAN PUBLISHING COMPANY IH Logan, Utah. H i - '- B II. BULLION President and Editor H J. G. ALLUN, Jit Secretary nnd Manager. B Entered at tho rostofllco ovory Tuesday, Thursday nnd Saturday, H At Logan, Utah, as sicond-cla&a matter. B flubjtrlpUon Hates by Alnll: Subscription Itate by Carrier H Ono year ?3.00 Ono year ...$3.50 H Sti months 1.50 Six months 1.75 H Three months 75 Three months 90 H If not paid In ndvnnco add fifty rents per yonr extra. IH t B Subscribers wishing tho nddrcss of their papor changed will please H Slvo thufr formor as well as present address. All papers aro con- 1 tlnued until explicit ordor Is received by us to dlscontlnuo. All H arrears must bo paid In this caBO. |