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Show Pleasant Grove Locals I i Mr- and Mrs. Odeal Kirk were the Kuests of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Coleman of American Fork on Sunday-Mrs. Sunday-Mrs. Alfred Dexter and Miss Wittingham were Provo visitors Wednesday. Wed-nesday. John Van Wagoner has taken over the management of the Alhamhra Theatre. Robert Walker, Lucille Walker and Alfred Rogers attended the U. E. A. at Salt Lake Friday and Saturday. Bishop and Mrs- Sidney Cluff of Provo, visited Sunday with their daughter-in-law, Mrs. Melba W. Cluff at Llndon- The following out of town guests were visitors at the J. P- Fugal home Sunday: Miss Olive Harris of Sugar City, Idaho, Mr- and Mrs. James B. Taylor of Salt Lake, Mr- and Mrs. J. S. Pearson of Logan, Mr. and Mrs. Grimsdell of Logan, G. L. Crandall and Mr- and Mrs. Andrew Peterson of Springville, Dr. and Mrs- Cullison of Salt .Lake, Mr. and Mrs- Harris, Mrs. W. D. Sutton of Salt Lake. Mr. and Mrs. Garland ClaTk tained at a hallowe'en party "n!6'' day evening at their home. The n6S" met at the home of Mr.' ant)811-13 Lloyd Gray and were guiiied thr'"' back yards, corn shocks, hay stUS!l and fences to the Clark home was entered through a ba'semS ' window. A cleverly arranged e, camp and fortune telling women t tured as the first entertainment f the evening. Hallowe'en colors motifs cmbined with fall flowers rn the proper setting for unique haV we'en games and ghost stories Th guests all wore funny costume some that could not he imitated a it a very enjoyable evening was report ed. Delicious refreshments Ver, served to the following guests- ur" and Mrs. H. C. Robertson, Mr. ana Mrs. Lloyd Gray, Mr. and Mrs. J jj Hilton, Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Larse0 Mr. and Mrs. Clifton Clark, Mr. anj Mrs. Elvin Thorne, Mr. and Wrs Eazil Walker, Mr. and Mr3. ja3 c' I Peterson and Mr. and Mrs. Bertram 'jtobbins of Santaquin. " 'Mr7and 'Mrs!" t7E. Eldridge of Granger, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Warnick Sunday. James Mason of Lehi, was the guest of his sister. Mrs. Maggie Johnson, Sunday. Mrs. Susie Robison visited last week with her son, Verdell, and family fam-ily at Magna. Lafe Sorenson and son, Warnick, of Magna, visited with Mrs. Maggie Johnson on Sunday. Prof. John C. Swenson of the B. Y. U., visited with his step-mother, Mrs. Marie Swenson, Sunday. Mrs. D. W. West entertained during dur-ing the week at a birthday party for her little daughter, Madge, the occasion being her sixth birthday anniversary. The following little friends enjoyed the games and refreshments: re-freshments: Margaret Atwood, Marvel Johnson, Olive Adams, Billy Tomlinson, Lugene and Kathreen Olpin, Harvard West, Ludene and Arlene Van Wagner, Kathleen WesU Maurine Beck and Madge West. Mr. and Mrs. Iloyd Van Warrior liavn mov.il inlo tin: Nii-U A. Swtn-Hrn Swtn-Hrn lioin':. Mr. anil Mih. John O-xar-ion o M;uynv;ili-, visil':d Tlmi .iiiay with I 'I :l ;t 11 1. (Jr'jvc; rcljit i U:S. Mr. and Mm. Calvin VValkf-r calh-d oa rnlativtM hcio Friday wliiln rout.:: to 111-! Hluli: Tca:lu:rH Convention. Conven-tion. Miss llaz'd Nnt.lal left Thursday ovoiiIiik to attend the State Teocli'-rs Convention In Salt Lake City for two days. Mr. anil Mrs. Parry Grant of IliiclK'Hnit, were the guests of Mr. andi Mrs. J. P. Fugal Tuesday and Wednesday. Wed-nesday. The Third Ward Relief Society hold a nullling Monday afternoon at the home of their president, Mrs- J. H. Holdaway. Mr. and Mrs. Merrill Warnick and family, Mr. anil Mrs. C. P. Warnick and Miss KMie Warnick were Salt Lake visitors last Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Milford Gardner and liahy, of Al'ton, Wyoming, are visiting indefinitely at the home of Mrs. Gardner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jens 1'. Fugal. Mrs. Reuben Tomlinson entertained entertain-ed at a birthday party Friday afternoon after-noon in honor of her daughter, Lola's ' eighth birthday. Twenty little guests woro Invited. A. P. Warniok, iprincipal of the Tleasant Grove high school and his wife attended the State Teachers convention at Salt Lake City Friday and Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. F. B. Newman, Miss Elizabeth Newman and Mr. and Mrs. Ross Nielsen attended the State Teachers convention at Salt Lake Friday and Saturday. Miss Helen Shoell, who is attending attend-ing the Utah School of Beauty Culture Cul-ture at Salt Lake City, spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred C. Shoell. 'Mr. Smith, teacher of mechanic arts at the high school attended the State Teachers Convention Friday and Saturday Sat-urday and enjoyed a hunting trip early Sunday morning in northern Utah. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Van Wagoner and family. Miss June Van Wagoner and Miss Eva Van Wagoner of Heber, left Monday by auto for Old Mexico. They will visit with relatives there and expect to be six weeks making the trip. Mr. and Mrs. Ole Anderson re-lurnc.l re-lurnc.l Tuesday from a trip to Poca-tIlo, Poca-tIlo, Idaho. Union Dixon and a class of his Ag. studen'3 attended the state fair last F'riday afternoon. Mrs. Edmun Cragun was in Salt I-ake Wednesday and Saturday working work-ing at the Geneological Library. Mr. and Mm. Orin Holdaway of Fillmore, visited Thursday with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Holdaway. Mr. and Mrs. Leo Thorne of Bingham, Bing-ham, were visitors Sunday wi;li their parents, Mr. and Mrs. David Thorne. Mrs. Louis Anderson of Monroe and Mrs. H. W. Clark of this city, were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Nielson Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Van Wagoner and Mr. and Mrs- Dean Van Wagoner were among those who attended the Temple Excursion Monday. Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Moore, Mr. and Mrs. Byron Moiisod, Mrs. R. E. Monson and Bishop S. L- Swenson attended at-tended the Temple Excursion Mon. day evening. Mr. and Mrs. H. V. Swenson and little daughter, Leah Jean, accompanied accomp-anied by Mr. and Mrs- C. P. Warnick made a trip to Mona and Salt Creek canyon Tuesday. Miss Amy Cooper, who is teaching at 'Mt. Pleasant, and Miss Leone Cooper, teaching at Payson, called at their home here Friday while enroute to the State Teachers Convention at Salt Lake City. Mrs. Lillie Hanson Lloyd of Magna, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ole Hansen of this city, was operated on Saturday Satur-day morning at the L. D. S. Hospital for appendicitis. Mrs. Hanson spent from Friday till Sunday evening at Salt Lake to be near her daughter. May Wadley entertained the Social Club at her home Friday evening. The evening was spent in serving and social chat. Besides the club members mem-bers the following guests were present: pres-ent: The Misses Helen Gamett, Emily Wright, Melba Fugal, Mary Jense and Ella Halliday. Bishop and Mrs. David B. Thorne of Lindon, entertained at a family dinner Friday evening. Tjhe guests were: Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Thorne of Provo, Mr. and 'Mrs. N. A, Jacobson, Mr. and Mrs. T. G. Thorne and Mr. and Mrs. A. G. Keetch of Orem, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph D. Fage of Pleasant Grove, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Gillman I and Mrs. May Thorno. The evening was spent in music and social chat. Mrs. Emily Boulter of Salt Lake! was the guest of Mrs. Martha T. Keetch Sunday. Mrs. Emma Steiner of American Fork was the guest of her mother, Mrs. Robert Wright, Thursday. Miss Leda Thompson visited with her parests in Ephraim Saturday and Angus Mellor of Payson, spent Monday wi'-h her sister, Mrs. Ethel DrysJale- Roy Fugal, who is teaching school at Syracuse, spent the week-end with his parents. Miss Rena Cooper, who is teaching teach-ing at Ogden, spent the week-end with relatives here. Mrs. Ellen Wright of Provo, is visiting a few days with her sister, Mrs. Margaret Wilson. Clifford L. Wright and Leon Smith were Ogden visitors Friday. They visited several canning factories factor-ies enroute. Mrs. Charles Holman and baby spent the past week with her mother, Mrs. Walter Hansen, of American Fork- Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Moore left Thursday evening for Salt Lake to attend the N. E. A. convention of teachers. Mrs. Steven Daniels of Aztec, New Mexico, is visiting indefinitely with her sister, Mrs. Melessia J. Adams, of this city. Miss Olive Shepherd, who is teaching teach-ing in American Fork, spent Monday evening with Miss Leda Thompson and Miss Hazel Nuttal. Mrs. W. S. Theobald, Mrs. Milton Allen and Miss Dolly Reece of Salt Lake were dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Theobald Monday. For Sale Second hand Peninsular Stove Heater. Good as new. A bargain. bar-gain. Larsen Blacksmith Shop, Pleasant Pleas-ant Grove, Utah. 1 0-19-1 1 Mrs. Leon Smith and children were in Provo Monday afternoon. They attended . the matinee at the Paramount Theatre while there. Mrs. Chloe Harper is working in the telephone office during the absence ab-sence of Miss June Van Wagoner while she is on her trip to Mexico. Dr- Frank Frampton of Spanish Fork will be at the office of Dr. J. L. Huchel every Wednesday and Saturday, to take care of the dental work. James D- Thorne made a trip to Brigham City last Friday to look over the apple market there, in view of purchasing apples for the Canning Cann-ing Co., for canning punpbses. Mrs. William Bezzant and two babies of Los Angeles, is visiting for the next three weeks with her mother-in-law, Mrs. Alfred Bezzant, and family. Mr. and Mrs. J- R. Halliday and Mr- and Mrs. H. W. Jacobs motored to Ogden Monday, the men attending to, busisess matters while the ladies visited with Mr- and Mrs. Lucius Laudie. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Atwood of Salt Lake City, and Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Atwood At-wood of Charleston, visited Sunday with their mother, Mrs. Sarah A'k-j wood. Dr. J. L. Huchel left Monday morn, ing for Los Angeles, California, to take a post graduate course in dentistry. dent-istry. The Doctor has sold his beautiful beau-tiful home to Mr. arid Mrs. L. fi. Larsen of this city, who will move there in the near future. Mr. Huchel has moved to her mother's home for the present. Tuesday afternoon the Third Ward Relief Society held - their Literary meeting at the home of Mrs. Laura Lim. Meetings will be held in different differ-ent homes throughout the ward until the meeting house is ready for use. The roof is on and work is going forward on the interior. Last Tuesday, October 8, the Third Ward Relief Society held a social at the F. C. Shoell home in honor of Mrs. Stena Clayton Christensen, a former member of the ward, who recently re-cently moved to Orem, to make her home. The afternoon was spent in games, a program, and social chat Dainty refreshments were served to thirty-five guests. The Ladies Glee Club of the Pleasant Pleas-ant Grove High School and their partners, enjoyed a bon fire party at the Timpanogos Cave Camp Friday evening. Lunch was served around the bon fire and at 10:30 the merry group motored to the Thornton Cab-oret, Cab-oret, where dancing was enjoyed till midnight. Among those who attended the temple excursion to Salt Lake Monday Mon-day were: Bishop and Mrs. B. H. Adams, Mrs. George W. Larsen, Mrs. Alice Robbins, Mrs- Sarah Gardiner, Mrs. Alvira Olpin, Mrs. G- E. Oscar-son, Oscar-son, II. C. Robertson, C. L. Johnson, Mrs. Emily Aston, Mrs. Sarah Hooley and Mrs. Emily Wright. |