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Show ed with agriculture and live stock activities. There will also he a good representation repre-sentation of the heavy draft, horse classes, including several six.horse teams, with a demonstration of horsemanship well worth seeing. The ordinary farm horse has heen given a place and altogether several hundred hund-red dollars will he hung up in prizes to foster and develop this class of horse. This will not only be a colorful and interesting feature of. the show, but one of substantial educational value. I o - . field for that class. The gaited horse has no (place in the cow business and there Is no thought on the part of the management of getting into the gaited classes, but rather to confine con-fine this event to the horse associat- United1 States Department of Agriculture Agri-culture Farmers' Bulletin No. 1395 recently received was prepared by the Bureau of Animal Industry and the Animal Husbandry Division and is a splendid contribution of the live stock interests, particularly to the great range country question so graphically outlined in the Bulletin. Few of us appreciate that 45 per cent if our total land area is embraced em-braced within the so-called great range country. In this Bulletin attention is call ed to the intimate relationship be. tween the Corn Belt and the range. This we all recognize; as a matter! of fact, has pretty much withdrawn his purchasing power of Southwestern Southwest-ern stockers and feeders with . the result that a large number of feeders feed-ers have been thrown into beef channels chan-nels with quite a shock to not only the (price of the feeders but to the beef animals, generally,, as a result of too many at one time. However, in view of the extensive shortage in our national beef supply, this must be regarded as a passing event and something that will not prove a permanent hurt to the industry in-dustry as a whole. Everybody interested in-terested in live stock should read this Bulletin because it contains a lot of good information and advice which should be helpful to the ranchers. It is a noticeable fact that while California occupies second place in range production, it is in the 9th place among the pure bred herds of the several States. It is well to remember, re-member, however, that these figures are nearly ten years old being based upon the census of 1920, but anyhow, California has never been regarded as a great breeding state most of our cattle coming in from the big range country of the West and South west. Based upon climate, availability of feed and production costs, California occupies a most favorable position and will eventually be a great breeding breed-ing state. Substantial growth in this line will undoubtedly be proven when we bring our figures up to date- Our neighboring states are becoming be-coming more and more interested in the Fourth Annual Christmas Live Stock Show to be held1 at the Los Angeles Union Stock Yards Xovem-ber Xovem-ber 30th to December 7th, appreciating appreciat-ing that it is for the benefit of the live stock industry to the West and Southwest, with international possibilities possi-bilities of value to the flocks and herds of the great Southwest Empire. The slogan is "Get acquainted with the people of our neighboring states, we've much in common." Let's all meet at the show. The stock horse will be featured at the show, the management believ-I believ-I inf that there is a rapidly growing |