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Show ' ft To Strongly Enforce flew Parking Ordinance The new parking ordinance pass-Ay pass-Ay the city council at their ses-on ses-on September 2S, is to be strong-enforced, strong-enforced, according to reports of e.lty officers. At their last regu-Jm, regu-Jm, October 12, the marshal "'ted that the parallel parking s were now rea'dy and that en. tlSnement would take place immedl-l0tC immedl-l0tC The new ordinance not. only the parking requirements f nllel to the curb) hut relates to Sitorine of automobiles and other tor vehicles within the coporate Lis of American Fork City. k communication was received from the city of St. George asking Lnnation as to our city ordinance verning the situation of the Elec-:c Elec-:c Light and Telephone poles in City The recorder was instructor,, instruct-or,, 'forward the desired informa- A letter was also received from the wirtment of Police at Springville String the city that " the eighth Innual convention of the Utah Peace OScers Association would b held Here in the early summer of 1930, and asking the council to make some vision in their 1930 budget for tie fees and expenses of the council snd peace officers to attend the I aae. ' A request for information regard-the regard-the character and amount of all rty tax collections for the years iS22, 1926, 1927 and 1928 was receiv-dfrom receiv-dfrom the National Industrial Conference Board Inc. The Lauren 51. Gibbs Co. also desired information informa-tion relative 'to the possibility of taerican Fork City making any improvements im-provements in the light, -water or lewer system. Hayor Greenwood reported that lie Board of County Commissioners i! Uah County had requested his presence at a meeting of all mayors iad presidents of Town Boards to femss the problem of the refusal of i it Banking Institutions in our county coun-ty to pay their taxes as assessed for it current year. He stated that he iid been unable to attend this meetly meet-ly :"S tut felt that the matter was of - ftai importance to our city and Mi have the support of all con- '.fined. N'ew ordinances governing the inaction in-action of all construction, installa-a installa-a and repairs of electric light or ;wer, wiring and plumbing were resented for the consideration of -e council. After some discussion, it ordinances were referred to the reorder and the attorney for in-i in-i ;tigation. Mayor Greenwood reported thati SO from the Poultry Committee, j ! MO from the Timpanogos Out Door t "ommittee and $74,52 from the 24th '! July celebration committee or a "al of 5374.52 had been turned over ' Axel Bloomquist as part payment ''the new sign board, leaving a bal-:! bal-:! of $225.48 to be paid by the city 'to January 1, 1930. Complaints were again received: i :?a the property owners asking the F to take steps to force the Mutual Ornery to not dump their sewer ! into the old creek ' be. The iller was referred to the marshal action. |