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Show I Clifford McCullough of Salt Lake j City, was visiting friends and rela- j tives in American Fork on Tuesday, j Mrs- Everice Bronson of Salt Lake ! City, was the guest of her niece, Miss j Ruby Armstrong, in this city on Sunday. Sun-day. Mrs. Emma Foster spent Sunday in Salt Lake City, a visitor at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Clinton Larson. Miss Kargarette Birk has accepted a position with the Mutual Creamery Co. She commenced her new activities activi-ties on Monday. j Mr. and Mrs. Lyde Timpson, who have previously made their home in Tooele, have moved to Provo, where they will locate. o Mrs. E. N. Wagstaff and Mrs. John Hunter were Salt Lake City visitors on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Chipman had. as their dinner guests on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Green. Melissa and Loraine Ingersoll were visiting in Provo Friday, guests at the home of Mrs. Dorothy Culbertson. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wood and grandson, Wallace Wood, of Salt Lake City, were guests of Mrs. M. R. Healey Saturday and Sunday. I Mrs. E. N. Wagstaff went to Salt Lake City on Thursday to remain over the week-end, a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George Watts. Miss Orpha Rushton underwent an operation for appendicitis at the Lehl Hospital Tuesday. According to last reports, she i3 getting along very nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Golden Baxter and Mrs. Ross Hun of Panguitch, were week-end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Myers. Mrs. Baxter Bax-ter was formerly Miss Helen Myers. The G. A. Club members were delightfully de-lightfully entertained last Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. E. P. Evans. An interesting paper on "Treating of Chickens" was given by Rudolph Konold, after which refreshments refresh-ments were served- Mrs. Hans Christensen attended a luncheon in Salt Lake City Thursday, given at the home of Mrs. Harry Keddington. The Gleaner girls of the First Ward M. I. A. with their teachers, Mrs. E. Ray Gardner an'd Mrs- Ben Wright, enjoyed a bonfire party and American Fork Locals Dr. J. F. Noyes and Wendell Noyes were business visitors in Blackfoot, Idaho, last Friday and Saturday. Mrs. P. O. Loveless of Payson, was a visitor nt tho home of Mr. and Mrs. Abe Gudmundsen last Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Butte left this morning for Huntington, Utah, to attend the funeral services of Mrs. Butte's mother, Mrs. Lenore Tullis, who died early Friday morning. Mrs. M. R. Healey had as visitors I; on Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Meyer and family of Salt Lake CWy, Mrs. M'artha Wilkin and Mrs. Ernest Clark of Alpine. i) Miss Mary Ashby, who is a member ' of the Ffdelas social unit of the B. Y. U., attended a slumber party given by M'iss Alberta Mendenhall at her home in Springville last Friday evening. The guests were the members mem-bers of the Fi'delas unit. Miss Guel'da Elsmore was hostess ( The Trailbuilder boys of the Third ' Ward Primary with their teachers, Mrs. Ralph Ellison, Mrs. Wayne Mercer, Mer-cer, Mrs. James Halsey and Mrs. John W. Myers, enjoyed a bonfire party and weiner roast Tuesday at ' the American Fork Timbers. Out door sports were also enjoyed. There were twenty present. at a delightful tea Saturdc.y afternoon after-noon given at the Elsmore residence in honor of Mrs. Clarence Boll and Mrs. Duaue M'cCandlass, both of Bingham Canyon, who were here visiting. The guests also enjoyed sewing and music diversions during the social. Our stock of choice bulbs for fall planting is still complete. com-plete. Humphries... adv. More than 500 B. Y. LT. girls were tendered a charming formal reception re-ception of the B. Y. U- women last Thursday afternoon in Provo at the residence of Mrs. E. H. Eastmond. Mrs. Stephen L Chipman of this city was in the receiving line. Others were Mrs. Franklin S. Harris, Mrs-Xettie Mrs-Xettie Smart, Mrs. Jesse Knight, Mrs. C. Y. Cannon, Mrs. Eastmond, Mrs. Elsie C Carroll, Mrs. Vasco M. Tanner and Mrs. May Hammond. weiner roast, iriaay evening m me American Fork timbers. An evening of fun was reported. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Shelley and Mr. and Mrs- C A. Grant accompanied by C. L. Eddy motored to Bingham Canyon Can-yon last Friday nite, where Messrs, Shelley, Grant and Eddy attended the entertainment given by the Bingham American Legion members. Mr. Shelley and Mr. Grant, known irj musical circles as "Tabby and Bun,' furnished song numbers during the affair. Mrs- Shelley and Mrs- Grant were guests of Mrs. Leslie Bennett for the evening. |