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Show pi J. I.1 Jll. l- . - . PLEASANT GPOVE REVIEW Oflico J. I). Thome Ii'.-sidtnce I'lione 57 W A l'iiOGliESSlVU, IXDEl'HNDEX'fi I'CULICATION Kntercl in the I'o.st Offiee at Peasant (Jrove, Utah, a.s second-class natter. Subscription rates, 2.50 per year in advance. Aderti.sctiieiit rates: Display, .'JO cents s ydumn ineh. Legal notices and readurH, legal rate of 10 cents per e t.t-point line per in-nertion. in-nertion. Want ads. Kate 2 cents per word each insertion. Payment must accompany advertisement. A. F. GATFiL'OKD, JTl EDITOR f member KA. ASSOCIATION NATIONAL EDnO'T '929 |