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Show denominations of the -world. Music for this session consisted of the Stake Choir under the direction of Chorister K. J. Bird singing the following hymns and anthems: "Hark Listen To The Trumpeters," "Lord Thou Wilt Hear Me When I Pray," "Hear O Ye Mountains," "Sweet Is The Work" and "Praise To The Man". Inspirational Addresses I Given At Quarterly j Conference Apostle iJavId .0. McKay Sta'es Church is Guided hy Inspiration And Revelation: Large Crowd Attends Kach Session. The Inspirational and Instructive addresses given In all sessions of the 114th Quarterly Conference of Alpine Stake Saturday evening, October 11. and Sunday, October 13, were the outstanding x tributes of the conference. confer-ence. David O McKay was present at all the meetings and conveyed much In lils talk to centralize the "spiritual theme". There was a large representative crowd in attendance- at each session, 115 present on Saturday evening, 802 on Sunday morning and 602 at the afternoon meeting. Following the welcome address by President C. E. Young at the Saturday Satur-day evening meeting, Questions were asked ami answered by Apostle Mc Kay. In his talk, later on, he emphasized em-phasized the need of our meeting together as groups and as quorums and also the necessity of social activity ac-tivity as a quorum and quorum groups. Committee reports were made as follows: "Class Instruction", George F. Shelley; "Church Service", James T- Gardner; "Miscellaneous Activities," Activi-ties," Joseph F. Marsh; "Personal Welfare", President J. M. Walker. A paper on "Spiritual Growth" was read by President S. L Chipman. Eight five-minute talks on the general assigned topic "It Is My Priviledge and My Duty" were given under various heads by the following at the Sunday morning meeting, which convened at 10 o'clock: "To Seek First the Kingdon Of God And His Righteousness", Bishop Edward W. Burgess; "To Create And Enjoy A Happy Home-Life", Leo G-Meredith; G-Meredith; "To Be A Loyal And' Intelligent In-telligent Citizen," J. B. Parker; "To Win Vocational Success," Robert Clarke; "To Follow Sound Financial Practice", J. ,L. Firmage; "To Be Physically, Intellectually and Moral- . ly Healthy and Strong", Myron R. Moyle; "To Work, To Play And To Love", Frank G. Shelley; "Through i Fasting, Prayer And Church Activity To Truly Worship God and Know j S the Joy of Participation In The Great; V I-at.'er-day Work", Bishop Wm. S. McKay spoke on what it meant to live. He pointed out the fields of activity to which we were invited in the eight five-minute talks just given. He especially spoke to the Sunday School children, and told a story illustrating how character Is polluted by bad habits. Special musical numbers for this session consisted of a boys chorus from the American Fork High school under the direction of K. J. Bird and a vocal solo "In Our Lovoly Deseret" by Mrs. Edith G. Young. Following releases and sustaining of church and stake authorities as per list on file, Uohn H. Webb, about to leave for the Swiss.German mission, mis-sion, expressed his appreciation for the priviledge of going into the mission mis-sion field at the afternoon session, which commenced at 2 o'clock. Raphael Greenwood, recently home from the German misslou, reported briefly his labors in that field, and also told of the work being done in that land. President Earl 3. Greenwood spoke on the magnitude and beauty and the organization of the Church! of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints- President Young urged a full attendance at-tendance at Sunday School and Sacrament Sac-rament meetings on Sunday arid also at Priesthood M. I- A. meetings on Tuesday evening. He also urged loyalty to the law of tithing-, the great financial law of the Church. Apostle McKay read the account of the mission of Paul when he was so suddenly checked in his career of prosecuting the Saints in his day. He spoke on Paul's statement to King Agrippa and stated, "If this vision of Paul is true, then much of the teaching teach-ing of this modern day is not true, teaching which does much to destroy the faith of many of our young people." He also read Joseph Smith's own statement of his first vision in this dispensation, in which the Father and the Son appeared to him. He spoke forcibly on the fact that this Church is guideti by inspiration and revelation, revela-tion, and that, on that principle only, could Joseph Smith have possibly organized or-ganized the Church of Jesus Christ. He protrayeti the beauty and grandeur grand-eur of this organization and contrasted contrast-ed the doctrines taught by the Church and those taught by the Christian |