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Show jwvllT ADa y .9RESULTS Writes to Sweden iAbout Hew Sargcn "I have five brothers and sisters in Sweden, my old home, and I'm writing them all about this wonderful wonder-ful Sargon treatment that has done si much for me. "My stomach trouble started 25-years 25-years ago when I began to suffer with indigestion.: Then rheumatism set up in my hands and knees and I could hardly walk. My liver w asn't working right and I was habitually constipated. I tried all kirtds of trent.- V ' J A-l Holstien Duil For Service $l.fu. Harold Chipm.au farm. S-17-tf Painting and Paper Hanging. lielga Johnson, Am. Fork. Tel. 42-J. To 3-10-Go FOR SALE Pullets and Yearling hens. Phone 46-R3 Pleasant Grove. To 10-19-pd LOST? Jersey-Holstein heifer, one your old. Notify Chris Loizets, American Ameri-can Fork. Phone 52-W. 10-19-lp FOR RENT Furnished modern apartment. Tele. 167-J. Annie Green. S-31-tf FOR SALE Milk cows, grain, ,pigs. H. J. Gerber, American Fork. 3S8 So. 1st East Street. 10-12-4p WANTED To buy some farmland. What have you for sale. See Martin .Nielsen, American Fork, Utah. 10-5-tf FOR SALE Fresh milk cowsTgrain, pigs. H. J. Gerber, American Fork. 3SS So. 1st East Street. 10-12-4p LOST One pearl handled pistol, 32 Colt between Pleasant Grove and Provo. $5.00 reward if returned to this office. 10-19-lt FOR SALE High Class Range Hampshire Ram Lambs. To 140 lbs. $22.50. Dr. Holbrook's Ranch, Lehi, Utah, R. F. D. 10-19-tf ments and even sent home to Sweden for medicine I thought 'would help me, but my first real benefits came when I started taking Sargon. "I never suffer with indigestion now, my rehuaoatism is all gone and I haven't an ache or a pain in my whole body. I sleep good, eat heartily hearti-ly and just feel fine and energetic all the time. Sargon Pills ended my constipation and biliousness and I just can't say enough in praise of this wonderful treatment." Mrs. Anna An-na Burg, 5100 N. Washington St., Denver, Colo. Wm. Thornton Drug Co., Agents. Fireplaces Once Taxed "Hearth-money" was a tax put upon every hearth or fireplace in England. Charles II was respoasible for Its introduction in-troduction In 1GG0. It existed for over a quarter of a century, and yielded $1,000,000 a year. William HI abolished abol-ished It Clawsoii & Elsmorc LAWYERS GENERAL PRACTICE SPECIALIZING WILL8 and PROBATE Ray Elsmor at American Fork office every fourth day. |