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Show Fall Clean-up Day-Being Day-Being Planned M. I. A. union Meeting of the Timpanogos Timp-anogos Stake was held on Wednesday Wednes-day evening in the Stake Tabernacle. In the Adults department under ithe supervision of Mrs. James H. Walker, a project for a fall clean-up was considered. A special committee consisting of Karl Banks as chairman, chair-man, Mrs. Benjamin Walker of Lin-don, Lin-don, C. L. Warnick of Manila, was appointed to lead in the campaign. That the work may be thoroughly done, Mr. Banks was appointed to meet with the city council of Pleasant Pleas-ant Grove for the purpose of having a special day set apart as Fall Clean. Up Day, and it is expected that all wards in the stake will observe this day. Attention will be given to fences and fence lines, front and back yards and all weeds, rubbish, leaves and material that should be removed from the home premises will be cleaned up in this campaign. Much is being done to make public buildings and grounds and city park attractive and pleasant. It Is to be hoped that everyone in the stake will take pride in their home and surroundings sur-roundings and this year make a real fall clean-up. o |