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Show Roy Chipman of Salt Lake City.c visited in American Fork Sunday wit hia father, S. D. Chipinan. Mrs. Clyde Birk and Miss Ruth Birk were visitors in Provo during the weekend. Mrs. Duane McCandlass, Jr., of Bingham Canyon returned to her home Sunday, after a four days visit here with her husband's parents', Mr. and Mrs. Duane McCandlass, Sr. Mrs. Clarence Ball returned to her home in Bingham Canyon Sunday, Sun-day, after a several flays visit in American Fork with her grandmother, grandmoth-er, Mrs. Gene Murdock. Miss Lorraine A'daitfeon was a visitor In Bingham Canyon from Monday until Thursday of last week, a guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Ball. Mr. and Mrs. William Chipman and Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Firmage attended at-tended the formal banquet and open, ing of the new Broadcasting Station of KLO at Ogden on Saturday evening. even-ing. The Studio is located in the Bigelow Hotel, where the affair was held. Complimentary to Mrs. George Scott, nee Miss Myrle Crookston, Miss Cleo Bate entertained Monday evening at a miscellaneous shower. Roses were useki effectively In decorating deco-rating the entertaining rooms. Progressive Pro-gressive "Stung" was the feature of the evening, Miss Myrtle Wild receiving re-ceiving first prize, and Mrs. Rex Holmstead of Lehl the consolation favor. Delicious refreshments were served at smiall tables to the guests. Mrs. Scott was presented with many! beautiful gifts from the guests pres-J ent I American Fork Locals Vrs. Joan,e Cunningham and Mrs. , qella Mills were Provo visitors on guiuiay guests at the home of Dr. jlrs. James M. Grant" were, Mr. jud Mr9- Thompson of Bingham. jjr9. Ann Raymond visited the fffck.end in Salt Lake City with Iter Mer, Mrs. C. E. Lierley. jlr, and Mrs. Harry iJ. Parker of Provo, were visiting friends and relies rel-ies in American Fork during the reek-end- Dr. end Mrs. Kenneth! Noyes of fclt City' were vlsI'tors on Sun-W Sun-W at the home of Dr. anl Mrs. J. F. Noyes. Ur. wid Mrs. Harold Goode announce an-nounce the arrival of their first child, 5 boy, born Saturday, October 12th. ill concerned are doing very nicely. Mr. and Mrs. James Goalen of Salt Lake City, were visiting here on Sunday at the home of Mrs. George Cunningham. Miss Amy Shelley, who is employed employ-ed at the Utah Power & Light Co., Is enjoying her annual vacation this TCek and next. Dee Myers is filling tie vacancy during her absence. Our new crop of choice sweet peas, chrysantemums, carnations, etc., are now ready for party and special occasions. Humphries, adv. Mrs. TV. 0. Sugden of Salt Lake City, spent Satur'day here visiting rith her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Sffller. Mrs. Miller accompanied her to the city and remained for a four i "is. i-iura l'-rancom of Salt Lake I City, was a visitor on Wednesday at the homo of Mrs. E. II. Boky. Mrs. John Smith ana son, Keith, of Salt Ixke City, spent several days this week here visiting her mother, Mrs. Lillian K. Brown. Mr. and Mrs. II. J. Burman ot Salt Lake City, spent Sunday visiting with Mr. and Mrs. W. IL Preston and family. Miss Margaret Chrlstensen an'd Mrs. H. F. McCullough of Salt Lake City, spent Sunday here visiting friends and relatives. Mrs, Maude Christtenseri, Mrs. Sarah1 Chipman, Mrs. Ivy Steele, Mrs. Lillie Wilde, and Mrs. Elizabeth Mc Allister of the Relief Society stake presidency and board, visited the Alpine and Highland ward3 Tuesday afternoon. Misses Eileen and Sarah Chipman who are attending the B. Y. U. at Provo, spent Wednesday with their mother, Mrs. Ruben Chipman, the day being Founders day, a holiday of that institution. Miss Rose Butte, who has been at the Lehi Hospital recovering from Injuries sustained In a recent automobile auto-mobile accident, was brought home Wednesday. According to last reports she is getting along very nicely. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Kimball ot Moab, arrived in American Fork ThursSay to visit over the week-end with Mrs. Kinball's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Ashby. Dr. and Mrs. V. F. Houston, Mrs. Thomas Ccddington and Mrs. Ray Coddington left this morning for the . Coddington ranch at Colton to visit I with Mr. and Mrs. Mark CoSdington during the week-end. L 111! George E. Abel left EJunday for Elwood, Utah, where he will be employed em-ployed indefinitely. Jay Coridor, who has been employed em-ployed all summer at the Rlchins sheep camp at Echo, Utah, returned home Sunday for an indefinite visit with his wife and family. Mrs. M. L. Crandall returned to her home in Rawlins, Wyoming Monday, Mon-day, after a several days visit In American Fork with her parents, Mr. arid Mrs. E. J. McCleery. Shortly : after her arrival home, Dr. and Mrs. Crandall, left for Detroit, Michigan, where they will attend the International Interna-tional Medical Convention to be held from October 21 to 25 inclusive. Mrs. Thomas Singleton an'd Miss Stella Singleton returned home Saturday evening from Gandy, Utah, where they spent the previous two weeks. Mrs. Singleton and Stella also made a trip to Baker, Nevada, during their stay. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Singleton accompanied them here for an indefinite visit Says visit. Leonel Jacobsen of Cedar City, motored here Sunday for his wife and family, who have spent the past six weeks visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs- Willis Bromley. Mrs. Bromley Brom-ley accompanied them to their home, riere she will remain indefinitely. Mrs. Harlow Jones of Salt Lake City, spent the week in this city and Provo visiting relatives. During her stay here she was the guest of her irandmother, Mrs. Melissa Boley, and in Provo, Bhe visited with! Mr. ad Mrs. Horatio Jones. i Mrs. J. P. Werner, Mrs. Harold Teraer, Mrs. S. F. Kitchen, Luzell Kitchen, of this city in company with Krs. W. D. Smith and Miss Dorothy Smith ct Pleasant Grove, were among tie guests who attended a bundle-itower bundle-itower in Provo Thursday evening Eiven by Mrs. R. D. Davis in honor t her daughter, Mrs. Kay Vest, nee Hiss Fawn Davis, a recent bride. Complimentary to her daughter, Mrs. J. Clyde Birk of this city, who was visiting in Provo, Mrs. A. Will Jones entertained a few young women wo-men at her home Saturday evening. Sooial chat and music1 were the diversions, di-versions, and a delicious luncheon served to Mrs- Armorid Eggert. son, Mrs. Dell McDonald, Miss Evelyn Halladay, Miss Mabel Olsen, Miss Beulah Thurgood, Miss Ruth Jones and Miss Helen Kavachevich. M'r. and Mrs. Elmo Crookston and and baby have moved from! Salt Lake '. City, where Ith'ey have made their home for the past several years, and will now locate in American Fork, Mr. Crookston having accepted a position with the Chipman Mercantile Mercan-tile Co. In their Gents Furnishing Department He commenced his new activities on Tuesday. Mr. Crookston Crooks-ton has been associated with the Salt Lake Knitting Co. for the past three years, and has gained much valuable experience In this position. A charming social event of last week?as the brfdge luncheon of last Friday afternoon, at which! Mrs. Merrill White presided as hostess. Dahlias lent a pleasing effect to the house decorations. Four tables of the card diversion were enjoyed, high score prize being won by Mrs. Vern Boley and the guest favor by Mrs. Mate Earle. Early in the evening, s delicious luncheon was served to the guests at the small card tables. Those present were: Mes'dames Francell Homer, Vern Boley, Marion Chrlstensen, David S- Taylor, Mate Earl, Glen Sykes, Lee Halstrom, Leo Meredith, Helen Heiselt, V. F. Hons, ton, Ben Moffett, Lenard Pett, Arch Peterson, Clyde Thornton, Eugene Nicholes and Clarence Knudsen of California, the latter being a special guest. |