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Show Wedding of Interest To Take Place Wext Week I Of much interest to American Fork folks is the announcement made by Mr. and Mrs- L. A. Adamson of the engagement and coming marriage of their daughter, Ixirraiue, to Robert J-Brown, J-Brown, son of Mrs. B. II. Brown of Spanish Fork. The marriage is to take place next Wednesday, October 23, in the Salt Lake temple, and the following evening an informal reception re-ception will be tendered in their honor by the bride's parents in the Alpine Stake Tabernacle, for which three hundred invitations have been extended. Miss Adamson is an attractive and popular member of the younger social so-cial set of this city. She is a graduate gradu-ate of the American Fork High School and for the past year has been employed em-ployed at the Briggs Pharmacy, through which avenue, she has won many new friends who join in wishing wish-ing her future success and happiness. Mr. Brown, likewise, is well known in his respective community, and has hosts of friends showering congratulations congratu-lations upon him. He is apsotfaleU with thu Denver &. Rio Grande Railroad Rail-road Company. |