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Show Funeral Services Held Thursday For John Crookston Funeral services were held Thursday Thurs-day afternoon at 2 p. m- at the home of Mrs. Thomas Crooks for her brother, John Crookston, 4G, son of the late George and Agnes Crookston, who died Monday, October-14, at his home. Death was due to heart trouble. Bishop Joseph K. Storrs of the Second ward was in charge of the services, which opened with' , a vocal duet "Abide With Me" beautifully sung by Mrs- Mae Halliday and Mrs. Hazel Walker. The invocation was offered by Patriarch Pat-riarch W- B. Smith, after which Mrs. Halliday and Mrs. Walker sang another an-other selection "Rock o Ages." President C. E. Young was the principal speaker- Bishop Storrs made closing remarks, followed by the benediction, which was pronounced pronounc-ed by Clyde Crookston. A conclud-. ing musical number was a vocal duet "I Need Thee Every Hour" by MesJ dames Halliday and Walker. Interment was made in the city cemetery, where Bishop Storrs dedicated dedi-cated the grave. The deceased was born December 29, 1883. Surviving him are two Bisters, Mrs. Thomas Crooks of this city and Mrs. Jennie Youngman of SantaJ Monica, California. |