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Show Mr. and Mrs. George C Scott, who were married in the Salt Lake temple last week, are making their home in the Clarence Peterson place. Mr. J Scott is principal of the school here. A fine baby girl arrived at th home o Mr. and Mrs. Roy Harri., ! JUndon, Tuesday. Mrs. Hairi3 ' J formerly Miss Mabel Devey 0j J city. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Strong and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clark and children were among the visitors at the state fair Saturday. Miss Marie Ilealey, who has spent the past several months in California where she is employed, is spending a month's vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Healey. Miss Healey expects to return to California Califor-nia next month. Mrs. Maude Christensen, Mrs. Jay Steele and Mrs. Elizabeth McCalister of the Stake Relief Society Board visited the Alpine Relief Society Tuesday. The meeting next week will be In the form of a social arid will be held at the home of Mrs. J L. Bateman. The Daughters of the Mountainville Camp of Utah Pioneers held their regular monthly meeting, at the home of Mrs. Charles Clark Friday afternoon, after-noon, under the direction of Captain Belle Clark. Mrs. Matilda Hansen Moyle read a brief history of her parents. par-ents. Mrs. Charles Clark gave a reading. Following the afternoon's entertainment, lunch was served by Mrs. Charles Clark ahd Mrs. Joseph E. Moyle- , ' - -i - 9 . ALPINE NEWS Mrs. L. Bates, Reporter. . Mr. and Mrs. Edward Carpenter and baby son of California, are visiting visit-ing Mrs. Carpenter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. James C. Healey. Word was received by relatives of the arrival Thursday of a fine baby boy at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Buckley at Ely, Nevada. Mrs. Buckley was formerly Miss Ruby Watkins of this city. Mrs. Mary E. Okey returned home the last of the week from Park City, where she has spent the past two months with her granddaughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. John Collins. |