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Show ; TTTTT- ' ' 1 1 1 1 ' 1 Compare Prices We are ink-rested in your getting the highest high-est possible 7riee for your ejrtf.s. Compare our rioes with all others. We are getting 66c Per Dozen For Extras. Producers are getting over $16.00 Per Case Net I You can either ship direct or we buy your eggs outright at highest cash prices paid. t Telephone 172 American Fork j A Most Interesting Display of H Women's j ! COATS & DRESSES ' INTERESTING BECAUSE IT COMPRISES A BIG SHOWING OP NEWEST STYLES. J SPECIAL A Big Showing of New Munsing Wear One Lot New st37les in PAJAMAS LADIES' DRESSES CHILDREN'S COATS for Women and Children 1 Dresses that formerly and DRESSES 33ifr assortment to select I 1 sold for Come in and see them. from. j $25.00 and $29.50 ' Priced very low. ?OIlonoll . , Li Reasonably priced. r Big assortment to select . j from. CREPE SATIN Your choice Black and Colors 1 4-9-inch $15.00 . Special at CHIFFON VELVETS j " $1.95 Yard .1 KAYSER SUEDETTE in hvo j GLOVES BLANKETS Black Blues' Reds etc ! A Big Showing. AU kindg. ,We have a $4.50 Valne I ' All Colors and Sizes very large variet.y to se- $3.95 Yard ) 65c and $1.00 Pair lect from. . : Single Plaid Blankets NEW RAYON ; Munsing or Kayser 95c BED SPREADS Fine Quality 70x80 Large Plaid Large Size j RAYON BLOOMERS Blankets $2.75 Pair Colors Rose, .Gold, Short or long lengths 66x80 Part Wool Plaid Blue, Orchid and Green. $1.00 and $1.50 Blankets $3.75 Pair $2.95 up. Chipman Merc. Co. The Store of Quality ' j MAIN STREET AMERICAN FORK I i . i. l-iii lira i rtl HV1W 1 1 ii i m ' III I n ifi i nn i'iT i ' ti i i 'mu' '- -.----. ... . . J THE NEW PERMANENT WAVE METHOD j : 15 Times 10 Times j Less Weight Less Heat j I "As Easy As A Marcel" I Special On Now ji jj Melba Adamson j American Fork I Call For Appointments. Take Advantage of This Wonderful Opportunity. Lot-Q-Gas From Dave's Quick Service A COLUMN OF FUN AND FACTS Edited by Dave Davis from his private sanctum down at the Service Station. HOWDY FOLKS Many divorces are caused by the fact that married people see too much of each other. Oh well, one must dress in style. OKAY TO LOOK, BUT WHATEVER WHAT-EVER YOU DO LEAP. , OVERHEARD ON THAT SAME STREET. "I've as much right here as that truck." Ray says, "For every girl who is simply perfect, there is one who is perfectly simple." It is a perfectly simple matter to buy proper oil, greases and gas j from us. Drop in and talk it over. ' I Yours till next week,' Dave. Dave's Quick Service Why worry and wait three or four weeks for your money When You can get highest cash prices for your eggs ? EXTRAS 58c NET EXTRA FIRSTS 52c at Nye Nissen, Inc. Nest Doer To American Fork 115 Tloffett Feed Mill Few Really Have Stomach Trouble ! Few really have stomach trouble due to stomach weakness. The stomach is part of the digestive tract which includes the secretory J glands and linings of the alimentary canal, as well as the pancreas, and other intestinal organs. 'Dhe stomach will appear tQ ; . seat of trouble when any of these related organs ar weakened. ; When the trouble is directly due to weakness of the stomach itself, there is pressure on spinal nerves at what is known as "stoma d Place." The bones of the spine at this point have become misplace - I and the opening between has become narrowed, thus causing t i pressure and interference with the normal flow of nerve impu' , t When by chiropractic spinal adjustments this pressure is remoe , i the normal vigor of the stomach returns and disease disappears. J HAD GASTRIC ULCERS BUT IS NOW WELL . "A reputable local physician pronounced my trouhlo I gastric ulcers. After three months, being unable to eet jj relief I tried chiropractic. AU symptoms soon disappeared and an X Kay taken after adjustments showed the stomach ; cleared of ulcers." William Matthews, Chiropractic search Bureau, Statement No. 1209-C. t Dr. James M. Grant t CHIROPRACTOR , cnRK I PHONE 113 AMERICANJOJ |