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Show Political Parties Nominate Tickets For City Election The political pot is beginning to simmer. Active campaign committees have been selected and tickets have been nominated. Of course both parties are expecting victory. Judging Judg-ing from past city elections, a com. plete victory for either side is lm- possible. In a city the size of Pleasant Pleas-ant Grove every candidate will have friends of both political views, who will vote for their friends no matter which party they belong to. Both tickets have elected fine representative representa-tive citizens who will be interested in Pleasant Grove's progress and we are sure who ever is elected will put forth his or her best efforts to serve the city and its citizens. The tickets chosen at the primaries prim-aries are: ltepublican Nominees J. S. Holdaway, Mayor; Isaac Hayes, 4-year councilman; Albert Olsen, 2-year councilman; Clifford Tomlinson, 2-year councilman; Archie Boren, 2-year councilman; Lyean Jlohnson, recorder, Alvira Olpin, treasurer. The campaign committee selected to foster this ticket is composed of M. S. Christiansen, chairman; Irving i Johnson, vice-chairman; J. C. Hilton, S. A. Kirk, and Lyean Johnson secteJ (tary. The Democratic Candidates Lewis Olpin, mayor; Bert Bezzant, 4-year councilman; Clifton Clark, 2-year 2-year councilman; Delbert Fugal, 2-year 2-year councilman; Leo P. Harvey, 2-year 2-year councilman; C. O. Newman, recorder re-corder and Marie Smith, treasurer. The Campaign committee which will carry on their campaign is Harold Walker, chairman; George W. Larsen, secretary; Howard Thorne, F. Bi Newman and Harold Smith. o |