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Show ANCIENT HABITS Some people still follow the longstanding long-standing habit of laying in all their winter foods during the Fall months. Some dealers never sell any item at a reduced price, unless un-less the customer buys in case lots, and this policy has caused some consumers to follow the practice of laying foods away as of old. MODERN METHODS Many people of today buy tlie most of their groceries as they need them, or in quantities not exceeding a few days' supply. The majority of 0. P. Skaggs System patrons buy their groceries grocer-ies every day or so, -and they buy them at case quantity prices. They serve and eat only the freshest merchandise the market affords. Take a walk around through our store and you can see a saving on each individual item. QJRSI&USCS "A Surety of Purity" "TTTflrTTl li li hiiumi iiniiiniiiniipm'iiM t J.C.PNNEYC, ' rA Rare Opportunity! jT? Dresses jk in new styles j f A specialized at K . fTfvese ire sH brand new 'dressed V i --TiMJtJ Imagino fcl ... for only $4.98. Satin ttod'fkt crepe in black and colors . . . ,ftties for women, rokse ad juniors. Be 1 jnre to fee them for younelf . . . you V prill be astomthed at the quality the ) j ((Smartness that we axe offering you m fiiij lA fl specialized group. Fjp 'New Suitsnifay Frochl Fashion-right Price-right Wool and Wool-Mixed Fabrics-yard u33cto$i.49 'B$J A splendid variety , j.,ii . VlIC r of the favored wool N mfMMm end wool-mixed fab- WSMit&W0 WFY M rics for Fall. Every lfP j fA I V one on the "approved" IH " H M of Fashion.! o Took Soda For Stomach Stom-ach For 20 Years "For 20 years I took soda for indigestion indi-gestion and stomach gas. Then I tried Adlerika. One bottle brought complete relief." Jno. B. Hardy. Adlerika relieves GAS and sour stomach in TEN minutes! Acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel, removing re-moving poisons you never knew were there. Don't fool with medicine which cleans only PART of the bowels, but let Adlerika give stomach and bowels a REAL cleaning and see how i good you feel! Wm. Thornton, Druggist. adv. ljgj; No More Gas In Stomach and Bowels If you wish to be permanently relieved re-lieved of gas in stomach and bowels, take Baalmann's Cas Tablets, which ere prepared especially for stomach gas and all the bad effects resulting from gas pressure. That empty, gnawing feeling at the . pit of the stomach will disappear; that anxious, nervous feeling with heart palpitation pal-pitation will vanish, and you will again be able to take a deep breath without discomfort. That drowsy, sleepy feeling after dinner will be replaced by a desire for entertainment. Bloating will cease. Your limbs, arms' and fingers will no longer feel cold and "go to sleep" because be-cause Baalmann's Gas Tablets prevent gas from interfering "with the circula-tion. circula-tion. Get the genuine, in the yellow package, pack-age, at any good drug store, Price $1. ! Always on hand at I THORNTON'S DRUG STORE Sportsmen j Preserve the memory of those J : happy days with rod and gun I by having your trophies mount- ed. I have some fine un claim-, ed deer heads, will sell for cost J of mounting. LEO T. HANSEN Taxidermist Phone 225-M AMERICAN FORK j R0HBOCK & SONS The Leading Florists and Pioneer Architects of American Fork Hione 137 for appointments. Estimates Free. Choice guaranteed imported im-ported Tulips 35c per dozen xed colors, 45c and up for separate colors. Narcissus e per dozen. 400 varieties r,f Perenials. Funeral De-jgtt De-jgtt at reasonable prices. Wi m avis inn ' The new . . i: ! This superb -M-JW S NEUTRODYNE-PLUS LOWBOY A WPl TT ffif) 9 Screen Grid model -Li LI XiA XjL JTubes extra) "XRIENTAL, walnut panels and set-back bird's- ' jJpgg". : I w eye maple center panel. Genuine, extra large, L f, jSj'SSiSJf : ' - - j Electro - Dynamic Speaker, built-in Acoustic WyV'C? WMwV'" ' Equalizers, and balanced to use TWO of the ltf V1 M'n wi ill' " '" : wonderful new 245 power tubes, push-pull am- I f ) : J? : plification. A radio of extraordinary beauty and 'Si i' P-:l U-'j fyk f i highest quality for only $139.50. Screen Grid 1 W Mi , model, $129.50. feggg p : Free Home Demonstration! - i'rpv ! Mm j I We will deliver any one of these magnificent new j 1 r 1 ' Wj 'Philco furniture models to your home on Free I XWIfy i 'tlM Demonstration. No obligations no red tape. We jaSi gl lf ! 'want you to find out for yourself in your owq U j .1 j Jj-, y ! ' home why Philco performance is the sensation of I'- fLL'ly.'d:'7'. ,1 the radio world. Tl T v4ii5' 'j, ; ' Easy Payments, if you decide to buy. ct f tj 5 Balanced Units the Secret I j if RARE PURITY OF TONE richer, clearer, purer " I li ; tone than ever before known to radio. Reproduc- - . S : f W jtion so lifelike it will amaze and delight you. j 1 Marvelous selectivity Split -hair i Selectivity now sharper than ever. j ; VAST DISTANCE RANGE Philco's range . - - . 7JV ; ...rXT., '' sweeps thousands of miles in every di- r, ifrril. -"' 1 i t&fiis -il rection. Range control cuts out local in- ;irii terference and separates distant stations. J iffi.U ' '1 ; ' Call or Phone Today i '$:''PfM4 Telephone us or call at our store at once - Z: . -: y' b ' -." nd get the full details. Free Home Dem- J fix f-&& V&t ' onstration requests will be taken care of . ' ri '. ? L'Tllij'f ! ! in the order in which they come. : jsv -jirr II t-"(-' v.?" " 1 Plp-j j'LJj OJi Bala.ced-Umt Tadle Model ' Screen Grid, 872.00 B-vLANCKD-UiVrr IIiGnnoT Balaced-Umt Hicddot i l-ertro-D)-namic Speaker, S37.S0 rteutrodyne-Plu, 8159.50 DELUXE ' BE side TO hear tue Ntw rniLCO Screen Grid, 8149.50 Keulrodwe-Vlug ?211 00 Screen Grid, 8203.00 Martin Nielsen Auto Co. I.IAILI STEEUT TELEPIIOIiE 3 AIIERICAN FORK t r-- ii.. i.i u-jnjiin J 1 "i"" Ttfrfiaini Cameo Theatre WEEKLY PROGRAM Saturday Only, October 19 "William Haines in "A MAN'S MAN" Another Haines hit, the same star and director as in "Excess Ba&age." Love thrills! laughs! and action! Also Comedy. Matinee 3 P. M. lOo and 15c. Evening 10c and 25c. Sunday and Monday, October 20 and 21 "WONDER OF WOMEN" A TALKING PICTURE with Lewis Stone and Peggy Wood , A dramatic sensation. Does marriage kill romance With tnnn-rS tnnn-rS talking sequences! A great novel is now a greater film. Also talking and singing comedy. Admission 15c and 30c. Tuesday and Wednesday, October 22 and 23 "THE VERY IDEA" 100 DIALOG .. Snappiest farce-comedy that ever hit the boards brought to the 'Lfeen witll full dlalog by a brilliant array of comedy artists. It s scream. Akn , See and hear it. AUTalking Comedy. Admission 15c and 30c. Thursday and Friday, October 24 and 25 The three famous Moor Brothers Tom Matt Owen IN "SIDE STREET" Glam. All talking dramatic smash! amorous drama ot big city life of three brothers who never forgot that blood ties are the strongest. Never before such tugs at your heart strings. A1so All Talking Comedy "AS YOU MAKE IT. i w Admission lac and :J.0c. Coming Soon "MADAM IL" GOEPTERSJILS .-(Tv I,q,1Ics! AfcL year I'rtifrc'j- j A itrend i'TuV'inV;-4 and . '"''!4.V i - x. ' . ;:-bon. Tdko no other. I'ur V 1 Ocui.l'Kr-i.ll.liS IMlIOM I f t IUAM I'l 1.1.x. f-r4 tw t N 1 SOLD Vi Pl'iUCOlSi'S EYfcK) hiSS |