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Show FIUM HELD IN TIM FALLS Twin F'alls, Ida,, Nov. 17. Funeral services for JMrs. Hansen, wife of Judge Lawrence Hansen, were held in the Methodist church this afternoon. The church could not accommodate half the throng of people who attended. attend-ed. A delegation of Masons from Twin Falls also attended. The services were enducted by Archdeacon Stoy of Pocatello, a long-time friend of Judge and Mrs. Hansen, assisted by the Rev. Mr. Stewart of the Methodist church of Hansen, and the Rev. L. B. Francko of the Episcopal church of Twin Falls. At the services a touching tribute was paid to Judge and Mrs. Hansen by J 1 President Axline of the Albion State i JL normal, of which institution Judge g "I Hansen is director. Nearly 200 per- i .iz sons accompanie'd the body of Mrs. X jL-f Hansen to Rock Creek cemetery, i ?& south of Hansen. j is. Mrs. Hansen was one of three per- DBS sons who met Instant death in an auto PliSe and train accident here last Friday. r rT. Services for Henry P. Larson, the J II fourth victljn, who died Sunday of liis t - injuries, will be held tomorrow after- I FK noon in the Rock' Creek school house, i Wn with Archdeacon Stov officiating. r, & The condition of Mrs. Larson, who v " is in the local hospital. Is much ira- ti J& proved and her recovery Is expected I 'a Services for M. A. Patterson, -hosc M death resulted from tho same acci- jl & dent, were held Sunday, and services fl-S for Mrs. Iverson, daughter of Judge ji'rROf Hansen, another victim, were-held lra? Tuesday. t2,s ' no " ICE REDMOND IN FRANCE. ' t ndei London, Nov. 17. John Redmond, ' leader of the Irish Nationalist party, " JfZ has arrived at Boulogne on his way f :r. to the western front It was an ' nounced several days ago that as soon as arrangements could be made Mr. J1 qc Redmond intended to pay a visit to : jy the men in the trenches. ' C jj, " " I illRK |