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Show if 'r $! I "IN TIE STRETCH" IE j There's no "stretch" to the u J pure, all-wool clothes we sell I 5 here no sagging, or bagging, PSh T CI. IT J5 ; or loss or shape. wffl j And you needn't "stretch" If your income to own them I ! $15, $20, 25, 111 "See Us First " S WATSON-TANNER I CLOTHING CO. ill i WKKKKHBKEttM fft' Charlie Chaplin at the Res 4H Saturday in 'The Fatal Mai m let" tmb - STRONG ORPHEUM BILL AT ALHAMBRA TODAY Lovers of high-class vaudeville have indeed an opportunity to enjoy themselves them-selves to their heart's content today and tomorrow at tho Albambra-Orphe-um. A strong bill is offered at this theatre, commencing with tho matinee today, far better than tho usual numbers num-bers on a vaudeville program. Of two or three numbers It Is hard to decide which Is tho headllner, especially when there 1b Long Tack Tom and his wonderful troupe of Chinese jugglers, tricks and a tiny Chinese girl singing "Tippcrary" to tho accompaniment played on the piano by a Chinese. An act which is beautifully staged with Oriental settihgB. You may find it easy to recall the original version but. Long Tack Sam says that tho following Is as near correct cor-rect as It is possible to translate "Tlp-perary" "Tlp-perary" Into the Chinese language: Shlh ko yuan lu tao Si-po-lieh-li, PI yao tl JIh hsing tsou, Shlh ko yuan, lu tao Ti-po-lieh-11, Yao chien wo ngal tsu nu, Tsai hui Pi-ko-tl-li, Teal chien Lei-ssu Kwel-rh. Shlh yo yuan lu tao Ti-po-lich-li, Tan wo hsin tsai na-rh. Tho "Sixteen Navassar Girls," throughout their tour of tho Orpheum circuit have been received with overwhelming over-whelming applause, and everyone has commented on their brilliancy. These "Sixteen Navassar Girls," vwho modestly mod-estly conceal their individual names under tho ensemble, have the closing place on tho program, but wherever they have played it has been a rccog-nlzd rccog-nlzd fact that nobody leaves tho house during their melodious turn, which perhaps. Is comment enough on their work. Their rendering of both classical and popular numbers Is superb. Madge Caldwell with her "A Tele-phono Tele-phono Tangle" is recognized as oue of the delights of tho vaudeville season. sea-son. It's comedy appeals because practically every one at somo time or other has experienced telephone difficulties. diffi-culties. "A Telephone Tangle" brings forth roars of laughter and everyone who has witnessed it pronounces pro-nounces it great. Blanche Leightcn and James Kelso in "Here and There In Vaudeville," havo been heralded all over the circuit cir-cuit as perfectly dolightful. They are exceptionally good entertainers, with lots of "backfire," which they give lu a way to make laughter unanimous. Brooks and Bowen who are headed "Dark Spots of Joy," give an entertainment enter-tainment of exceptional worth, they sing not only their own compositions, but are telling exceedingly funny and numerous stories. The Dudley Trio has a very clever acrobatic act entitled, "In the Moonlight." Moon-light." which is very pleasing. Hooper and Cook in the subdivision given over to singing and dancing acts on this splendid bill arc indeed to be "iven a prominent position. They have entitled their little offering a novelty satire, "Give Us a Chance. It is a conglomeration of dancing and singing which is very good. The Travelogues and Professor Larson's Lar-son's superb orchestra help make this one of the best and well-blended bills Manager Skinner has had to offer at tho Alharobra-Orpbeum theatre, and all lovers of high-class vaudeville should make it a point to attend Og-den's Og-den's leading theatre today or tomorrow. tomor-row. Advertisement. -oo Charlie Chaplin at the Rex Saturday in "The Fatal Mai-let." Mai-let." no oo Read tho Classified Ada. Read the Classified Ada. JBPl- IFOR THE FARMERS I THE INTERMOUNTAIN RURAL CREDIT ASSOCIATION. I Incorporated. 1 Mclntyre Building. Salt Lake City, Utah, 1 Money loaned to members at 6 per cent from 5 to 35 yean 1 on uVahSd Io farms. Small annual payment pays Inter- I est and Principal. I R ALBERT MOYES, Representative Weber County. 1 219 Twenty-first Street, Ogden, Utah. Phono 1732-J. s V ! "Bought," the great problem prob-lem play. How many men, down and out, would accept $10,000.00 to marry a rich girl to save her name? Before you decide, see the five-part drama at the Isis today. BIG MUSICAL COMEDY TONIGHT The big musical comedy, "When Dreams Come True" with a cast of fifty people plays tho Orpheum theatre thea-tre tonight instead of tho usual vaudeville vaude-ville bill. Vaudeville plays tomorrow. "When Dreams Como True" Is one of the best musical plays on tho road today and the only ono out west this season. A big house Is looked for at tho Orpheum. Advortlscment. oo Chas. Chaplin in "The Champion," and Lottie Pick-ford Pick-ford in "The Diamond From the Sky," at the Rex today. Open 6 p.m. i " I - H t.L U Hft. flPvv .BBS ll I FRANKLIN SERIES 8 $1950 . I I HIGHEST PRICED CAR BUILT (Per Pound of Actual Weight).. 1 M CHEAPEST TO RUN (Fords Not Excepted. Runs 32 Miles Per Gallon of Gas; 500 I H Miles Per Gallon of Oil. I IH EASIEST RIDING CAR, NONE EXCEPTED. I EASIEST HANDLED CAR, NONE EASIER. I M PLPENTY OF LUXURY FOR THE FASTIDIOUS. SERVICE FOR ALL. 1 M PHONE FOR DEMONSTRATION 1 H 425 24TH ST. PHONE 88. 1 H THE FRANKLIN MOTOR CO. I Orpheum Circuit Vaudeville at Alhambra today and tomorrow. tomor-row. 10c, 25c, 50c oo ' CARD OF THANKS Mrs. George E. Gaylord and family heartily thank all neighbors and friends who wero so kind and helpful during tho long Illness and death of their beloved husband and brother; also for tho many beautiful floral offerings. of-ferings. MRS. GEO. E. GATLORD, MRS. FRED W. BARBER. Advertisement. Albert Chevalier and Florence Flor-ence Turner in 5-part Broadway Broad-way feature tonight and Friday, Fri-day, Oracle Theater. oo VERY COSTLY SCENERY AT THE ALHAMBRA Every act on the Orpheum circuit vaudeville this week carries Its own scenery and according to Manager H. E. Skinner and William Lee, stage manager, it is amongst tho most costly cost-ly that has ever been brought into Ogden. The scenery used by Long' Tack Sara, the Chinese humorest, itself, represents a small fortune and the costumes which this company use arc Indeed the envy of all. Altogether there are forty-three persons who take part in this week's bill, which promises to be one of tho best of tho season, and you should make your reservation right away as the seat sale'6 are going very fast. It 1b a program full of enjoyment and pleasure for all. Advertisement. I How Much Coal Did Your Furnace Eat I I f Last Winter? , I I I Ask Your Dealer for . I H HIAWATHA I I And Notice the Difference This Winter. I H I THEY ALL HANDLE IT I Ifi The Crown ) PAINLESS I I V ft All Work Guaranteed 12 Years. H ML. WWlWb (JM FREE EXAMINATION AND ADVICE. 1 H iracj V "U" Z-hh GIVE YOU our personal attention and by our combin- 1 H jjJmWmm&QRmmmWif e( knowledge and experience you are assured that when you I H OlHS mmWBi come to us your work will be of the best that skill can produce. I H sTmRkvtf-WrTy our wonderful new roofless plate. 1 M MjPjT j Come in and let us talk it over with you and show you the 1 H v. f a? J advantage over all other plates. 1 H "Many Years of Knowing How Taught u3 what wc are doing now." LL nrlaecsts,on 50c frp!eatwe'sth WHY PAY MORE? HS HpniSSL Gold Crowns, 22k (P Plates, Fit Guaranteed t . . .$5.00 UP LW Porcelain Crowns J O Silver and Amalgam Fillings 75 and $1.00 H Bridge Work (Best) v Porcelain and Gold Fillings $1.50 UP M CROWN PAINLESS DENTISTS, Lady Attendant. 2468 Washington Ave., Ogden, Utah. Over Wilcox Grocery M |