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Show f Hillstrom Will Be Executed Tomorrow Morning I GOVERNOR SPRY DECLINES TO I RECONSIDER HILLSTROM CASE I iRmmmj Chief Executive of State Gives Reasons in Telegram to Presi- ' H dent Wilson Board of Pardons Unanimously Concurs H After Discussing Plea for New Trial Telegrams ' H to Swamp the Governor. H Salt Lake City, Utah, Nov. 18. Governor Gov-ernor Spry has declined to Interfere further in the case of Joseph Hillstrom Hill-strom and has written his reasons in MHEf Jra!l Mmmh iK ,J ? tWr III & ' z 1,1 Joseph Hillstrom. the telegram to President Wilson which has been unanimously concurred concur-red hi by the board of pardons. The governor and members of the board of pardons met this morning to consider the answer to .be made to l President Wilson's request for a re- lll consideration of the case of Joseph l Hillstrom. Hillstrom was advised by Rmlfl his local attorney of the president's H action, but warned not to place too pHJ great hopo in tire result. MH Receives News Stoically. nRmmj Hillstrom is said to have received KH tho news stoically, remarking that he J was ready to be shot and still dc- 'nRmmj manded a new trial, not a reprieve or 'Rl pardon. ' No death watch lias been H placed over him as yet, but the ar- IRmRJ rangement at the prison is sucii that ' KH he is and has been under close sur- mmj vcillancc. He is said to hac dc- HH dared that no death watch need be BRRJ placed, as he "is not the kind that t commits suicide." He has tho priv- RRRJ ilege ot Inviting five witnesses to the IRmj execution and has named three local RRJ officers of tho Industrial Workers ol BH tho World. H Telegrams to Be Sent. M Toledo, O.. Nov. IS. As a protest H against the shooting to death of Jo- seph Hillstrom, the I. W. W. poet, a RSH telegram will be sent until tomorrows mm morning to Governor Spry of Utah, ev- M cry hour, beginning tonight at 8 ' M o'clock by the Toledo members. H William D. Haywood is expected to RmmJ address two thousand Toledo work- jRH ingmen tonight in protest of the exe- IBH Rrnfl A request made by five local I. W. RH W. members to be permitted to carry RmH out the execution of Hillstrom has IRH been ignored by Governor Spry and iVAmfj they have decided not to go to Salt ftml Lake City. RH RmmJ |