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Show SAMUEL R.BENNI0N DEAD AT VERNAL Salt Lake, Nov. IS. Word was received re-ceived in this city yesterday from Vernal of the death at that place of Samuel R. Bennlon, 73 years of age, one of the most widely known pioneers pio-neers in the state. Mr. Bennion came to Utah in October, Octo-ber, 1847. He was born at Nauvoo, 111. As a young man he engaged In stock raising In Utah and later became be-came prominent in church and big business affairs. Mr. Bennlon settled at Taylorsville when he first came to Utah, but later was a rancher In Tooele county, being a resident there during the Indian troubles. Still later he removed to Emmery county, where he took a leading part in business affairs. af-fairs. In 1886 Mr. Bennion was chosen by the church authorities to preside over the settlement in Ashley valley, Uinta county, and a year later he was elected elect-ed to the presidency of that stake. He held this position for twenty-six years. At the time of his death Mr. Bennion Ben-nion was president of the following companies: Ashley Co-op, Vernal Milling Mill-ing Sz Flour company, Vernal Light company, Bank of Vernal and Uinta Abstract company. Mr. Bennlon is survived by his second sec-ond wife and a number of sons and daughters. Some of the sons and daughters, however, are by a former marriage. Two services will be held over the body of the widely-known pioneer. The first will take place at Vernal tomorrow and the second will take place at Taylorsville Sunday at 12:30 p. m. Burial will be in City cemetery. Miss Edith Bennlon of the state engineer's en-gineer's 'office and other relatives in this county -loft yesterday to attend the Vernal services. |