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Show I ORPHEUM THEATER i Tonight B K MH&!m k Bfld-H Br &iPPin HI P'Pjr iMn P when'dIeams COME TRUE 1 1 (ONEmfcEWJrm&cmCAOO i Excellent Company 1J I Dainty Chorus. t ? Delightful Dancing Melodious Music. J 50 People. i f Prices 50c to $1.50. I ' -, If BOOK SALE SfeL Alger Henty or Otis Juvenie--25o W'f: and 35o values at 15c each. II BRAMWELL'S 00 "The Broken Coin" and Pauline Bush in 'When Love Is Love," at the Lyceum today. 00 ' ALL ABOARD Thirtieth annual ball of Brothor- ; hood of Railway Trainmen will be ; given at the Royal Dancing Academy, Thursday, November 18. Dancing to 1 o'clock, and refreshments. Tickets, Tick-ets, $1 per couple; extra lady. 25c. Everybody Invited. Advertisement. 1.IW Read the Classified Ads. 00 'The Broken Coin" and Pauline Bush. in "When Love Is Love," at the Lyceum today. no Chas. Chaplin in fThe Champion," and Lottie Pick-ford Pick-ford in rThe Diamond From the Sky," at the Rex today. ; Open 6 p. m. . POLL TAX All poll tax for 1915 should be paid at once. Delinquents will be suod without further notice. Pay at Treasurer's Treas-urer's Office, City Hall, or at tho residence resi-dence of A. G. Haris, Poll Tax Collector, Col-lector, 2342 Adams, Phone 235-W. Advertisement A husband is bought for the daughter of a wall street financial fi-nancial magnate in "Bought," at the Isis today. Orpheum Circuit Vaudeville at Alhambra today and tomorrow. tomor-row. 10c, 25c, 50c. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY. I FOR RENT FURNISHED. I MODERN H's'k'g. Ap'ts. Steam heat. I S30 23d St 11-lS-tf I 00 ' Read, tho Classified Ads, j 00 Albert Chevalier and Florence Flor-ence Turner in 5-part Broadway Broad-way feature tonight and Friday, Fri-day, Oracle Theater. I "LAUGH AND THE WORLD LAUGHS WITH I H I YOU, WEEP, AND YOU WEEP ALONE. . I H H You cn't help laughing at H H I Marie Dressier! I Tile's Tomato Surprise9'' I I I LAST TIME TONIGHT I H H A beautifully colored scenic on same program. I H H COMING Commencing tomorrow: . B H I FRANCIS X. BUSHMAN AND MARGUERITE I H I SNOW in "THE SILENT VOICE." M H I The Ogtien Theatrs 1 I FROM 2 UNTIL 11. 5 AND 10. I . - H I rn T0DAY AND T0M0RR0W rn I I 111 AL H AMBRA -Orpheum I 1 1 1 I 1 I 10c' ll7ATTni?17TTTV matinee and evening 10- I H " T VAyPfcyJULLlLi TODAY AND TOMORROW T I Sixteen Navassar Girls Long Tack Sam 1 I B A Brilliant Combination of Beauty and And His Splendid Company of Chinese v S IH I Talent. Wonder Workers. v B IB B A TELEPHONE TANGLE Full of Fun. Just Something That Occurs Every Day. B H KELSO & LEIGHTON 1 BROOKS & BOWEN j JACK DUDLEY TRIO I 1 In Here and There in Vaude- In Dark Spots of Joy. Its In "The Moonlight,'' Som B 1 H ville. All Laughs. tiling Exceptional B H I HOOPER & OOOK PROF. LARSON'S Paramount Traveloguea B 1 H In "Give Us a Chance." Concert Orchestra. I "South America." 'B H |