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Show BR0THERH00DST0 MAKE A DEMAND AH Railroads in United States to Be Included in Request for Eight Hour Day. TO ACT IN DECEMBER Roads Must Answer Within Thirty Days From Receipt of Forman Demand. Cleveland. Ohio. Nov IS The four railroad brotherhoods, Including more than 350,000 engineers, firemen, conductors con-ductors and brakemen on all railroads in the United States, announced today they arc preparing to make formal demand about March 1 that the railroads rail-roads grant them an eight-hour dav with the same pay they now get for ten hours. Action will be taken at a meeting of the executive committee of Uip brotherhoods in Chicago, December. 15. when ballots for a referendum will be prepared. The votes, it was said, are expected to be tabulated before be-fore March 1st. Tho eastern associations of the general gen-eral chairmen of the engineers and firemen brotherhoods in Joint session here, last night decided to join tho conductors and trainmen brotherhoods brother-hoods in the eight-hour day and tlmo and a half for over time demands. Similar action is expected at the meeting of southern associations of engineers and firoraeu at Washington next Monday and of the western associations as-sociations of Chicago. December 10- Committeemen chosen here at Washington and at Chicago will attend at-tend the December loth Chicago meeting. meet-ing. Under agreement tho roads must answer the men within 30 days which will bring the date within which tho answer will be received about April 1 |