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Show THE TAILOR : Maker of Up-to-date Clothes MILFORD - - UTAH iii i i Phone 13 Notary Public i SAM CLINE ATTORN EY-AT-LAW FORitEKLiY OF CALIFORNIA MILFORD - - UTAH Watch for the big Closing Out Sale at BARDSLEY'S i Many in Milford Try Simple Mixture Many Milford people are su pi iseri at the quick action of simple buckthorn bark, glycerin, etc., a8 miX'ri in Adler-i-ka. This simple remedy acts on BOTH upper and lower bowel, removing re-moving such su prising foul matter, that ONE SPOON FIJI, relieves almost ANY CASE consiipation, sour stomach or gas. A few doses often relieve or prevent appendicil is. A short treatment treat-ment helps chronic stomach trouble. The INSTANT, easj action f Ar:ler i-ka is astonishing. Millord Pln.r macy. Adv. CLINE & BOYER Big Bargains in Good Land Cash or Terms Some Specials ir School Lands ' MILFORD, UTAH E. B, JORGENSEN Funeral Director Licensed Embalmer Phon. 4 Milford, Utah Open Day and Night BILL and Ml I Folder's 1 i Coffee THE BEST EVER Only 30c S Fresh Vegetables, Choice Meats, Staple Groceries jj I PHONE 86 Why not buy the CAtiPET. or RUG low Our line will please you. We guarantee to meet any mail order price Our motto "Good Quality , at the Right Price" Burns & Bird Co. MILFORD - UTAH Phone 17 t We are ready to do plowing, $ clearing and seeding at very t reasonable rates. i $ We are also agents for the ! Waterloo Boy Tractor which is sold on a small pay- f ment down and balance in 4 monthly payments which are 4 $ at the reach of every poor man's porket book. It ' I : J Addiesa 4. ;j 4TIER RANCH, J jj MILFORD, UTAH or $1 ! J. H. FORTIER J1 I 1237 KING STREET, !l SAN BERNARDINO, CAL. 1 . I A MO-i l--'!-'--l--"'"'"''''f'''''' 1 I Ei -m !j Pi N V- 3 KM j i dlO 1 Llpii u ! $ " : ! Groceries, Seed Oats, ! Russet Burbank and Pearl f White Seed Potatoes t 1 s I Canvas for Irrigation Purposes General Merchandise I t PHONE 20 ! LIVE LOCALS FROM LIVE PEOPLE Four-room Furnished House for Rent Apply NEWS Office Adv. A new line of High Grade Hair Brushes, just in. Right prices. Milford Pharmacy. Adv. 15c Florida Grape Fruit for 25c at the Gold Rule store. Adv. All size Becond hand pipe for Sale. A. Q. Burntum. Milford, Utah.-Adv. Porter Walton Tested Seeds at Me-Cullej Me-Cullej s. Adv. FOR SALE 5 room house on cornel lot good location cheap easy j terms Enquire NEWS Office. i 10c Work Hose 7o at the Golden Rule Store Adv. Mail Orders have our prompt attention. atten-tion. The only prescription pharmacy in Milford. Millord Pnarmacy. Adv. FOR SALE: 40 or 80 acres first ol.iss land cheap. Address Box 98, Milford, Mil-ford, Utah. Adv. Big line Men's Dress and Work Shoes, S2.25 to 5 at MeGulleys. Adv. The Milford Lumber Company carries ail materials neces-ory for Home, Swi et Home plans. Prompt. courteous, efficient service. Adv. 25c oan Oysters 2 cans for 35c at the Goldeu Rule Store. Adv. Rexall Corn Solvent for those Corns, 25c Milford Pharmacy Ailv 1 oil want the. bei-t in Pi.iu ing, Calcom ning and Decorating, go to R. G. Siow ert. Adv. New Trimming BraHs at McCulleys. -Adv. FOR SALE Vacant corner lot gi od loc .ti"U Bat) te.ms Enquire NiiWa Offi e Adv. Harmony Skin Cream, the cream de luxe 75e Milford Pharmacy. Adv. KOK SALE 5 room house, with two cl iih s clme'B ana pantry; ea-y tc-rm,. - enquire Nr.WS utlice. Auv. OiangOH 3lc per doz. Saturday oulj I at the Go.den Ru.e Store. Adv. For Rent or Lease 10 acres choice ia:id wiih water right, for garden. Good well. 2 room house and t,arn. Address Jack Lightneror A. O. Hardy, Miuersvitle, Utali. Adv. ; New Laces and Embroideries at McCullejs this week. Adv. Sunshine Rubher Gloves for housi-lu'ld housi-lu'ld work, 5uc. Milford Pharmacj. Adv. FOR Sale 1910 Chalmers Roadster at ba-gatn. Enquire Utah Trans-po Trans-po tatiou Company. Adv. Home, Swet Home 250 houe plans, blua prints, together wii h specifications spec-ifications and Hemiged bill of lumber, treeo charge. Mtlford Lumber Company Com-pany Adv. Rexall Liver Salts, the best laxative for warm weather. Milforu Pharmacy. Phar-macy. Adv. We carry the best line of Men's, Ladies', and CMIdrens' shoes in all styles. G. A. Maloaf. Adv. Bnfore ordering your Wall Paper elsewhere, see R G. Siewert. Prices cheaper than Suit Luke or any mail order hou-e. Make your own elections. elec-tions. Adv. Tombstones, Monuments and Grave Markers of all kinds at reasonable prices. E. B. JORGENSEN, Agent I MILFORD, UTAH i. 0 0. Milford Lodge No. 42, 1. O O. F. meets every Monday evening in I. O 0. F Hall. All visiting brothers are cordially invited A. R. Lbwib, Noble Grand Aethdr Wood. Secretary J. A. INGOLS Mining and Civil Engineer U. S. Deputy Mining Engineer County Surveyor City Engineer MILFORD UTAH Ui'.TIJ' Mr an '.' 1 U Dec ration Day Excursion on the Sa t Lane Route. Excursion tickets wdl be s.,ld Irom all Salt Lake Route Siations in Uiah May 29 a"d 30. Als. to poin! reached by the Utah Transportation Trans-portation Co. via Milford. .Ticket!-will .Ticket!-will be good for return passage unti May 31st. I Big Field For Commercial I Cars In Smaller Cities I t ,. ..... i t J The theory that the market for commercial cars is restrict- I ed pretty much to large cities is disproved in figures compiled by the Studebaker Corporation and announced through the i j sales manager of their commercial car division. "Commercial car sales in towns from 5000 to 50,000 in- habitants are considerably greater in proportion to the popu- f lation than in the large cities," he says. "We can name , I instances even where Studebaker commercial car sales in t J certain small towns have been in excess of pleasure car sale during the past four months. Jjj t "There are several Studebaker commercial car dealers J t who in the past three months have sold between ten and J I twenty-five commercial cars in towns of not over 35,000." J Ol the 10,000 half-ton and one-ton models to be produced J J during 1916 by the Studebaker Corporation, a large propor- tion have been spoken for by distributors in towns of a size that were not considered seriously as a market for commercial J J cars two years ago. J The biggest single day's shipment of Studebaker cars in the history of the Studebaker Corporation was made on Apiil 29, J J the output being 490 automobiles, representing a value of approximately a half-million dollars. i j t MILFORD-BEAVER AUTO CO. $ t MILFORD, UTAH $ t ; McCuiley's ! 1 MONDAY SPECIAL j IO cents j Regular values up to 25c A. F. McCULLEY I t MILFORD, UTAH ? x' S l"-!-!- 1 -!-.lKloa i-0-0-l-ll-4-l '! IJ! refreshment tjatferSvf w m many, flf X And tthe natural habit, when a few more bottles are wanted, is to order from your dealer YOU'LL LIKE OUR BEER SALT LAKE BREWING CO. wmmmiKmaB i n nam i ii I iiiiiIUBM'"1""'"'' MMMM I MILFORD - UTAH I i fiA II i LTii Lzsa Lia This SALE Ends SATURDAY Night at 9 p.m. Don't wait until the last minute but ,vpme in and n" 1 c ur wants .in all lines such as V Groceries, Clothing, Dry Goods and Shoes j on account of the high prices that prevail to day it is impossible ..- to beat these prices anywhere. fl Read the following prices and be convinced that we are uot R deceiving the public t this Sale. I I GROCERY SPECIALS I i 11 lbs. Sugar .... $1.00 8 35c Grade of Coffee - - - 27Kc j 35c Carnation Wheat Flakes - - 30c Shredded Wheat Biscuits - 2 for 25c I Kellogg's Toasted Corn Flake - 3 for 25c I 5c LaW.ry Soap - - 6 bars for 25c M lb. Tree Tea - - - 22Kc 20c Cleaned Currants - - 15c Large can Tomatoes - - per can 10c I 10c Oysters - - 3 cans lor 25c Large can Cleanser ... 5c MEN'S FUFiNISHINGS 25c Leather faced Gaun tlet Gloves - 20c 15c Hose - - . 3 pairs for 25c I 20c Hose - - ; - 2 " " 25c 65c Work Shirts - 45c j MEN'I HATS Our Men's Hat Hepartmei it, is the most complete in Milford No mattor what style Hat vou wear, wo a re able to fill your wants. Men's Stetson Ha's at this Sale your choice $3.75 I We carry t-r moSt c mplet- line of J Men's Ladies' an' J C j'dren's Shoes and Slippers Coll and look them r ver ml compare our prices with oiher. fl Don't Forget thi z Time and the Place 1 THE GOLDE N RULE STORE f 'hone 10 I i |