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Show The New Atkin Hotel . J The beauty of its spacious public rooms, as well as its daintily inviting chambers, is most unusual in this part of the state. This hotel meets the wants of men and women of exceptional ex-ceptional tastes at a cost much lower than you would expect. I Every improvement and convenience at your call. i The best thought of, and most talked of hotel in Southern Utah, a: ;i . a ;i x . ,x a; A LA CARTE SERVICE AT MODERATE COST J. L. GRIFFITHS Carries the best and most complete stock of everything in Groceries, Dry Goods, Miners' Supplies and all kinds of Fresh and Cured Lleats If there is anything you want, we have it PKirn Utah and can supply you at right prices. rlscol Ulan Shirley S. Atkin ! ATTORNEY-AT-LAW j Offices: Milford State Bank Bui ding j Phone 19 Milford, Utah j I C. T. Woodbury ATTORNEY-AT-LAW Bank Building Phone 71 Milford Utah. . I Dr. O. E. Adkins DENTIST BANK BUILDING PHONE 38 Milford Utah Abstracts for Mineral Patents Will mm Hurst Licensed Abstractor BEAVER, UTAH Examinations and Reports on Properties What You Want How You Want It When You Want It T T For anything in the line of printing come to us and we'll guarantee guar-antee you satisfactory work at prices that are right . Say, You I 0 K 7 HOW about that printing job you're in need of? Come in and see ns about it at your first opportunity. Don t wait until the very last moment but give us a little timo and we'll show you what high trade work VJI wc can turn out. j If You Want Eft A them by ad-I ad-I vertising in this "BCT paper. It reaches JLj the best class of people in this community. u T Use this paper if you want some . kJ? of their business. Use This Paper Advertise IT YOU Want a Cook Want a Clerk Want a Partner Want a Situation Want a Servant Girl Want to Sell a Piano Want to Sell a Carriage Want to Sell Town Property Want to Sell Tour Groceries Want to Sell Your Hardware Want Customers for Anything Advertise Weekly in This Paper. Advertising Is the Way to Success1 Advertising Brings Customers Advertising Keeps Customers Advertising Insures Success Advertising Shows Energy Advertising Shows Pluck Advertising Is "Bi" Advertise or Bust Advertise Long Advertise Well ADVERTISE At Once In This Paper K Turn Over a New Leaf FT liHifcVT- '11 By subscribing for THIS PAPER , I Do We are Vp,jr, anxious to j K U have you Enow bonuL ! Aboiit f OUR They will ! -k-j . interest i i rices you whrn I i jh ou're in ! need of O printing |