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Show Rural Jeviei7 Gossip Gathered from Sundry-Sources Sundry-Sources J. S. Hickman of the Beaver Bottoms, brought over a bunch of cattle from the' Dixie country the first ' of tho week. I A large party of "laud-buyers," mostly from California points, arrived on the Project the first of the week. Miss Icie Ferguson spent Saturday in Beaver, attending the field meet, returning Sunday. The old Lewisiaua Land Co. properly, proper-ly, about the center of the Project, is beiug rapidly developed and prepared lor planting, by the Milford Development Develop-ment Co. The young people of the south end of the Project have been holding weekly socials and entertainments in the Prairie school house, as a means of diversion. President Wm. Allen and Director A. OAFeryusou of the Beaver County Irrigation Co., are spending a few days iu Salt Lake City this week, on Ousiuess lor their company. There is a movement on foot for the holding ol a Project-wide celebration on lndepenuendence day. Plans are not yet very t'ar aloug but it is pio- bable that such au event will be definitely arranged for within a week. Nightly brush fires encircle the valley with beautiful effect, aud testify J to toe rapiu development of the tract. lliere is talk ot a general store for the Project. Ly all and Millard Webster, sons of D. A. Webster, who are students at the University of Southern California, 'are o petted .v-rno in a te.w e-iLs, to j spend their VnCatiou. One of the Donaldsou brothers who recently arrived trom Modesto, California Cali-fornia aud touk up laud here, has been seriously ill for tiome lime, at the tiome of Lester Van Wie, and it is probable that his removal to his former homo for an operation, will be uecessary. "The Hikers of the Purple Sage" enjoy ed a weinie-ruast a few evenings ago, on the mesa east ot the Kxperi-maui Kxperi-maui tarin. A large bonfire added to the general "gypsie'' ellect. Those attending were Alesdames Lommon andVan Wie; Misses Lemmon, Andersois, Williams; Messrs. Hays, Knowltou, Ray and Joiiu Bell, Kussell Lemmon, Tom jlcClanualian and James Kamney. e' '-''-, |