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Show Death of Mrs. Hsber ' Taylor Word was received iluuday from t'ruvo, of the death in that city of Mrs. Myrtle i'ayioruf tnis place. Several Sev-eral weeks ago Mis. Tay lor was taken co Provo icr treatment, sutteriug from a coiup.ication of physical troubles, out medical aid was uuabie to save ner liie. Deceased leaves a husbaud and turee sma 1 children to mourn her ioss. Mr. Tay lor, hirusel! long a sufferer suff-erer from heart tivuole, has been very ill u,e past wee.k, bur is reported better ao this writing. Mrs. Tay lor was the daughter ot Mr. and Mrs. Harry Bird, former residents of Milford. Iuler-.uent Iuler-.uent of Mrs. Taylor's body Viok place at Nephi. The ry mpathy of the community com-munity is with the stricken family. |