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Show Notice of Publication Department of the Interior, U. S. Land Office at Salt Lake City, Utah, May 11th, 1916. NOTICE is hereby given that Willian: S. Heckethorn, of Garrison, Utah, who on January 25th, 1013, made Homestead Entry, Serial No. 010950, for NEJ4, Section 12, Township 2t South, Range 20 West, Sa't Lake Meridian, has fl ed notice of intention to make three year Proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before be-fore Herbert Nichols, U. S. Commissioner, Com-missioner, at Milford, Utah, on the 23rd day of June, 1916. Claimant names as witnesses: Mareellus H. Webb. Allred Bell ander, Albin Bellander, all of Baker, Nevada, and Frank L. Sellstrom, ol Garrison, Utah. Gould B. Blakely, Register First Pub. May 12th, 1916. Last Pub. June 9th, 1016. 1 Manager Callahan of the Pirat I says he will carry two southpaws t! 1 year. Kantlehner will be one. 1 ... I Billy Smith of the Richmond Int I nationals may keep George Kircl I just to amuse the fans, if nothi else. I One of the sweetest notes in tl symphony of spring is the crack the home star's bat on the nose the ball. ... $ Having once worked at the plum 1 ing trade, James J. Callahan alloi I the pennant race is a "pipe" for t sji PireSw. II. . |