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Show DECIDING ON TIME TO PLOW Amount of Water Accumulated From Snow and That Taken Up by Weeds Is Greatest Question. In deciding the time to plow, th' advantages ana disadvantages of both spring plowing and fall plowing must be taken into consideration. Heavy rains in August indicate that fall plowing plow-ing should be done, as the gain of moisture during the winter by the stubble stub-ble land probably would not equal the loss of moisture taken by the weeds In the fall. If only light rains occur, however, the moisture in the soil produced pro-duced by these rains probably would be more than offset by the greater quantity of snow held by the stubble during the winter, and the reduction of the weeds in the crop. Spring plowing would then be better. The availability of labor in the fall will Influence the amount of plowing done, but a greater effort should be made to do the plowing if theie Is heavy precipitation than if the rainfall Is light. The only advantage in late fall plowing is that the amount of spring labor in preparing the seed bed is reduced. re-duced. This advantage, however, may be offset by reduction in the yield. In deciding when a field should be plowed the question of whether a greater amount of water will be accumulated accu-mulated from snow than ill be taken up by weeds is the greatest question to be decided, and this also must be done by the man on the ground. |