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Show DEL DRAKE IS UNFORTUNAIt Former Detroit Tiger, Sent Back Because Be-cause Too Young, Finally Let Go Because Too Old. About the most unfortunate mortal In baseball Is Del Drake, who had two-ar two-ar three trials with the Tigers, and who was handed the pleasant task of trying to pry Cobb, Crawford, Mcln-tyre Mcln-tyre or Jones out of his job. Del never Beems to be the right age. Detroit kept sending him back because he Jidn't have enough experience, which Is one way of saying that he was too young; ' Now it is reported that Memphis, Mem-phis, which took him when the St. Louis Feds passed him up, has let him go because he's too old. Somewhere between there must have been a right age for Drake. But it did him no good, unless it was to land him two seasons with the independents inde-pendents at a better salary than he ever got in organized ball Kis ascribed reason for hurdling was that O. B. which in his case meant the Detroit club never had given him a fa:: deal. Nobody wanted him when the wtir ended, and he probat-iy will Class B it from now in. |