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Show How's This? We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward Re-ward for any case of Catarrh that cannot can-not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. Hall's Catarrh Cure has been taken by catarrh sui'ierers for the past thirty-five years, and has become known'as the most reliable-remedy for Catarrh. Hall s CatarriCure acts thru t the Blood on the Mucous surfaces, ex- pelling the Poison from the Blood and E healing the diseased portions. After you have taken Hall's Catarrh j Cure for a short time you will see a great improvement in your general a health. Start taking Hall's Catarrh . Cure at once and get rid of catarrh. ' Send for testimonials, free. F. J. CHENEY & CO., Toledo, Ohio. f Sold by all Druggists, 75c. j Shipped Anywhere in the United States on SO Days' Free Trial Easy Payments WV'M Ho fflonqy ; '-tJ - i! JL " " Our Big Free Trial Offer. 1 li'fpi; I We require no payment in advance (i'-C. . Jx ' ; jji jr-'-' on a Starck piano. You are not asked to VC'ftii tie up your money iu any Tvay. All you do 13 to lot " us ship you the piano for 30 days free trial in your w n RFeeanK9f home where you test it and try it in your own wity. V,V q 1 -- -ittt At the end of 30 days yo.u decide whether he piano is )-it the one 5nwWS!H5 I -i-nt;t: jl J you wont. If it is. you keep jt, paying our tow faelory-to-linmo prt.es I S5fiiSi5f,j1 Sfg if'StX' fi5!j in. payments tQ enft you, If for any reason it does not prove to bo fiSfi&y&H Evil I LlT, iffwJ I up to your expectations In every way and the finojt piano you have . Jg$&?k.ii&':$&:$ jfe viMt ---)! or moa (or the money, you may send it back and in that event we t-JL';'" '-i?f & f wW pay fwi M both way.. feji'Lf The Sweet Tonea Starck IPPPpjf ll '3 1 The first requirement In ft good pmno is tone quality. Starck pianos T f L ' ;' 'i;?.! i I 3 t fe I I ro pot only beautiful pianos but maro than tins they urn ri.--.nfi:ioall' ' J SV.J.t;..:,f';f;--;-'';vi I 0 fL n J1' U:- ct-nlrurtffl pa ttiftt each aepqrate part of ttwi piano pen'o-n-.s Hi ovm work In itf.": "'. ,':-'-. -Vvl I. fA L-jfcmjir?A' .jLjTaj producing a tone of marvelous arreciorss, purity and power. You will ho fie- ("Eiiav'f;, '.:,V:;N. j1: (. A 1 LJT I ghtert fM tre rcawlilr tcne quiility of Hie .Stark. tffT "'o 1 fir" Tho Celebrated Starck Player-Plan? l jM f I's t-overs of muslfi who are not nui'lnlan1? r?in rendnr TrK'tsrc'c P'nvcr plmo si? ih if V-A '' V fiivirite 6'!eciion wit U just imkhI exp- '-slon m ill rnr.MX.vi' h:v.-. if. L -'--, JrTl S, Hut Htf simple 10 un.'lcrmaml, ciisv iq cpntd', :ir.d dnnibl.' l:i con.- :.n!.'um -. - --. . 3 V ff f . i thH siark IMiUvr-p'ano uiouih tlw demand for a rellulilo, i-'imitj , . , Vy S Easy Payments tTut h: - H ' "'mnoDth on amounif so mnall you will not miss t!,c uium-j . Vt"-.1.'.. ft i J,- n Every Starck Piano Guaranteed 2i) "ieii s r :: r.; v. Second Hand j.f Vll . ? .. , i" ' "f-B" Bargains 4"j.ri 1 , 4.jvJ( v t , t r s . Wo haro a l.r8. stock ,1 ' ' JM--f t - L h rr t or of second hand and .light- V , . . , v lt;!-J l:i ":-;!;.' H.iorLialirn. ly used pianoa ol alj aion- f .... dard makes. Here ro few sample bargains. l QQ ffQltl TlUS FaCtOry tO YOU i Steinway. .$175.00 Saves $150.00 XixoQziticz'Cvipzii I .n&bc 1 65.00 Selling r.s re do, direct from our fart or)' to ycrir lir.v.v--. vo : ''r,:: :; ',' -' Emerson , . 100.00 " ?.';' ufff ')U '"w !'ris V" i;: I n-.'V tZTJ jt"' ,i vn ftrt pf fl.iO.OU m 'ho purchase priro our i.i.tii i : ... r:vn t., ll;.,s. I Kwlmball. t U,PU tak advuntage of thfse raoaey-3aviii! yni-et anrl sf-nu lu-d:-.y ; : 7 : -no -. r-. J Starck,.., 195.00 Ml I-aniculan. conccrninS oar farlorylo-horae offer. ..rrvLd iS Send to-day for our latest li,t 60 Ttft MUSlQ L6S8CnS j : : Viyuu-U of Beeond hand borRaina and our KveFybuveror a Stareli plane U enthlrtt tn r.v j complete now Illustrated catalog of oelve fi'l lro muslr len., tliromli I'uf'illR' Name ..R ' . be,t known scboold In ("liteaeo. Those Iroi.g : c atarcK pianos. are to uken In your own borne at your con- ; n ; 1 T.nience. Stt No or R. F Tt g P. A. Starck PianO Co., Manufacturers Chicago T snl F I mmmmmm.wm " TTmri";. , LOCATION NOTICES AT NEWS OFFICE ! THE FORGIE APARTMENTS - - . !; ' if FINEST IN SOUTHERN UTAH J . i Concrete Construction Throughout ii I SAFE AND SANITARY . . j l CLEAN - CLASSY - COMFORTABLE f i lit ii! !. .! j'; All Modern Conveniences t 4,' Steam Heat, Eleclric Service, Laundiy Facilities ; i Vj Electric and Fireless Cookers that cost less for fuel than ke' any Stove or Range 5 REASONABLE RATES J- Milford, Utah Mrs. G. 0. Forgie, Prop. ' |