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Show believe mm CRISIS IS AVERTED SECRETARY BAKER MAKES R E ASSURING AS-SURING REPORT ON BORDER SITUATION. Search for Villa Will Continue, Car. ranza Troops to Take Part in Search in Section Where Americans Amer-icans Are Not Operating. Washington. An optimistic view of the Mexican border situation was laid before President Wilson and his cabinet cab-inet on Tuesday by Secretary Baker, after a long conference with Major (ieneral Scott, chief of staff. General Carranza and his advisers now understand under-stand the motives of the Washington government more fully than ever before, be-fore, as a result of the conference at El Paso between Generals Scott and Funston and Obregon, Mr. Raker was able to tell the cabinet, and tension along the international boundary line has greatly relaxed. General Scott believes that the whole situation is less acute than it Oias Ijeen at any time since the raid on Columbus, N. M. General Obregon, it is learned, entered en-tered the conference with much apprehension appre-hension as to the real purpose of General Gen-eral Pershing's swift march deep into Mexico in pursuit of Villa and his raiders. The American conferees were able to convince the Mexican war minister, and through him, General Carranza, that President Wilson's announcement announce-ment of the purpose of the expedition told the whole story; that its mission was only as described, to disperse or capture the bandits and return across the line. The change in General Obregon's views wais clearly indicated by promises prom-ises of co-operation he made at the conclusion of the conference, promises prom-ises approved by General Carranza ' land -which he is now carrying out with promptitude and vigor, according to official reports from army officers and consular officials in Mexico. While General Scott, for his part 'made no promises as to withdrawal r I . and very clearly stated to General Obregon that United Stales troops would stay in Mexico until Carranza forces had fully demonstrated their ability tc handle the bandit situation, assurances were given that American troops would not operate In parts where Carranza forces were active. This will be done to avoid, all possibility possi-bility of clashes. . , |