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Show MinersviHs Movements The grammar schools closed here last Friday evening with an exceptionally-fine exceptionally-fine program consisting of muical, calisthenic ,ind elocutionary work by he students. The church in which the program was given, was crowded to the full seating capacity, which iB r sign of healthy interest in education. Monday night the 15th instaut, the itizens of the town gave a farewell party in honor of the teachers. 'Ihe excellent attendance manifested a spirit, of appreciatiou and gi od will toward those who have represented the educational work the past winter. Mr. Carman, Mr. Joseph and Mr. Griffi hs will remain in this vicinity, while Miss Foutz, Miss Bracken aud Mr. Mori is are leaving in different direct ions. For the first time in several years, vl iners ille is pr .n ing t rue lo its name. Mining activities in ,he vicinity of the old Lincolu mine have recently assumed a bustling aspect. It is safe to predict ihe gre&'est mining boom in years. Since the ins; allation of the water system, sc me of the residences, one of the first of which is that of George Marshall Jr. are being equipped with bath tubs and other modern conveniences convenien-ces and the town in general is passing through a reformation process, a. town i lean-up day is the next su p in thy jpiopcr direction. |