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Show nm,. . . Notice of Publication Department of the Interior, U. S. La, id Office, Salt Luke City, Utah, April 28:!i, 11)10. ' NOTICE is hereby given that John Cornell, of Milford, Ulah, who, on October ::nd, 191 1, made Desert Land Entry, Serial, No. 01:1074. for Lot 2, ( or N WJi'N Ej.5 ) , Section 3 I, Township 27 Sou'h, Range 10 West, Salt Lake Meridian, has tiled notice of intention to make final Proof, to establish claim to the land above decribed, before Herbert Nichols, U. S. Commissioner, at Milford, Utah, on the lath day of June, 1910. Claimant names as witnesses: Richard Roper, William 1 nchrane, Cary W. Robinson, Walter Muir. all of Milford Utah. GoriJ) B. JiLAKKI.KY, Register First Pub. .May 5th, 1910. Lust Pub. June 2nd, 1!II0. P" land him two seasons with the inde-t0 inde-t0 pendents at a better salary than ho ever pot in organized ball His ascribed renson for hurdling was that ls)l" O. Ti. which in his ease meant the tue Detroit club never had given him a "ad fai: deal. Nobody wanted him vhen !en' the war ended, and he probabJy will Class B it from bow jU. |