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Show Mining Mention Weekly Survey The Montreal, in the Rocky Mining District; is said to be shipping about 46 tons of copper ore per day. The NEWS is informed that Cieole stock is ;o be listed on the New York Exchange. The property is near Miuersvitle, this county. We are informed that the Cedar-Talibman Cedar-Talibman recently struck four teet of ore ou the 700 foot level which assayed 3o8 ounces of silver and 7u lead, to the ton. According to Superintendent A, C. Nebeker of the Leouora, the nerth driit is still in the iron and manganese which has beeu entered about thirty feet. It is thought signs poiut to the proximity of a fissure in the south drift. Iu the doff group, of this county, the Lucky Boy ia down to a depth ol 150 feet of the 3l0 (eet to which it is proposed to sink the shaft. The 60 loot level is.yielding ore. A carload recently shipped from the dump realized re-alized S2u a ton. The product assays at 16 lead, $1 gold and eight ounces of silver. The Antelope Star Miuiug Company, says the Salt Lake Herald-Kepublicau, was the fourth issue to be listed on the exchange Mi nuay. Its statement giveB the followii g informal ion: A. C. Nebeker is president and Noble Warrum, secretary aud treasurer. There aie luO.OOO shares of one cent par aiue. 1 he developmi n. c. nsists ol 160 fi et oT sLafts, 6U0of tunnels and ?UU ul winzes. Ihern are nine un-. patented Claims. '1 he improvement s consist of a cabiu and blacksmith shop. The ore is lead, silver, cepper and iion. The present owners do not know the amount ot Ore shipped, 'Ihe property is luca.. d about twelve miles nor heast irom Milf. rd. It is said to hare stripped aud developeu eousidei-able eousidei-able ore of milling grades. Over forty mining men and others desc- nded upon Milford last Saturday night, co " view the landscape o'er," or ra-her "ore." This big delegation came ou a junket gotten up by the Salt Lake Mining Exchange for the purpose of seeirg what Milford and vicinity has to show in the way of mil eral wealth. The chief p aces vi.-it.ed in the brief trip, were the C- dar Ta isman and Paloma prop enies, Harry Joseph, of the firmer and General M. P. Braflet of the latter company , being the prime movi rs and chief guioes over the properties. Autos conveyed the party, Sunday morning, to the Paloma, where the party descedtd to the 400 foot level and viewed the wonderful showing of mineral wealth there displayed. Members Mem-bers of the party stated that, they were m.re than pleased et the prospects pros-pects of this property. After inspecting the Paloma, the party was conducted to the Pedar-Talisman Pedar-Talisman property, where the 300 foot to 700 levels were visited. Here, too, fine conditions were found. This company com-pany is said to have a veritable mountain moun-tain of zinc showing as high as 15, with the higher grades returning 26 to 30"c. On their return from the mining district, the party repaired to the Milford Hotel, in the evening, where a sumptuous banquet was served to the members, at which several inter esting " toasts " and talks were given by prominent members of the delegation, dele-gation, rounding out. a most pleasant day. Members of the party, so far as the NEWS is able to obtain names, were as follows: From Sail Lake, N. S. Neilson, H. W. Lane, D D. Him , P S. Cropper, H. C. Duubar, 0. W. Reese, A. G. Gutheil, A. T. Sanford, B. G. Uiie, K. J. Evans, S. S. P. nd, W. R. Chalter-ton, Chalter-ton, H. Barney. S. Skiilis, F. C. Dern, P. 0. Wool ey, E N. West. W. O. Impt-y, P, V. Fhzg. raid. J. P. Vi. ,G. E. BagUri, C. W, Olfen. W. P. 'spettiLUe, H. B. ' nle, J. H. Brnffet, N. Kramos, R. D. Pomeroy, A. R. Honier, E. J. Roberts, Q. M. Sullivan. The NKWS is informed that these mining excursions are to be run every Saturday night for the next month or six weeks, which means t hat the mine, in our viciniiv are to be thorougly exploit ex-ploit ed and '?cxnj n i n (f world awakened awak-ened to thi " hat Milford is the metropolis-- e richest mining (uistrk'is in irers ss |