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Show Notice M. A. No. 016970 Application for Patent United States Land Office, Salt Lake City, Utah, March 8, 1916. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVFK, That l'erjue Surprie Clold Mining Company, a Corporation, through its authorized agent, Cora M. Holderman, whose postollice address is Salt Lake City, Utah, has made application for a United States patent for the South West Wedge and Mineral Peak Lode Mining- Claims consolidated, situate in the Ohio and Mt. Kaldy'Mining District. Dis-trict. County of Pimo, State of Utaii, being Survey No. 6347, and described iu the field notes and plat on file ia this office, with magnetic variation at 16 degrees o0 minutes East, as follows: . Commencing at corner No. 1 uf South West Wedge looe claim, whence ih corner common to Sections 8, 9, 16 and 17, Township 2S South, Range 4 West, Salt Lake Base and Meridian bears South 36 degrees 50 minutes East 2143.6 feet; Thence South 74 degrees 07 minutes West 600 feet to corner No. 2 of sniri claim; Thence North 13 degrees 55 minutes West 98S.9 feet to cornpr No. 3 of said claim - Thence North 38 degrees 13 minutes East 333.4 feet to corner No. 4 of said claim ; Thence North 74 degrees 07 minutes East 113.2 feet to corner No. 5 of said claim ; XliKUce South 40 degrees 4S minutes East 447 feet to corner No. 6 of said claim ; '1 hence South 15 degree-; 11 minutes East 0.3S feet to corner No. 2 of Mineral t'eak claim ; Thence North 74 degrees 07 minutes East 0.59 feet to corner No. 3 Of said c'aim ; Thence South 73 degrees 07 minutes East 092.5 feet to corner No. 4 of said claim ; Thence South 16 degrees 56 minutes liast 403.1 feet to corner No. 5 of said claim ; Thence South 74 degrees 07 rr.iiiules vVesi 600 feet to corner No. 1 of said :laim, identical with coiner No. 1 of South West Wedge claim, the place i f oeginning and located in NEtj and SEJ ot Section 8, Township 28 South, -Range 4 West, Salt Lake Base and Meridian, containing an area of 21.904 a.cres exclusive of conflicts with Mineral Survey No. 48S6, Perjue Mine; .adjoining and conflicting claims as shown by Plat of Survey are Survey -Vo. 4836, Supprise Mining Claim and Perjue Mine lodes; Survey No. 5004, Two Fractions and Comet lodes; Survey No. 500j, Right No. 2 and Edna-Adelia lodes; Survey No. 631(1, Edna-Adelia lode. I direct that this notice be published publish-ed in the Beaver County News, published pub-lished at Milford, Uiah. Gould B. Blakely, Register Edwin W. Senior Salt Lake City, Utah Claimant's Attorney First Pub. May 5, 1916 Last Pub. June 30, 1910 luluw.u .l.liy 111 HttUUIlllfi I'lUr, and he knew how to get the best re- 39 suits out of his men. That's why I ot think the St. Louis team, with Jones ot as its pilot, should he rated as a possible pos-sible pennant contender. , , , . As for Connie Mack, he in still en-lb" en-lb" gaged in the arduous task of rcbuild-"s rcbuild-"s Ing his Athletics, hut Connie, wizard he that he is, can hardly hope to figure seriously in the race of 1916. But, at that, he may surprise us. or In conclusion, I wish to say that 3r' with normal conditions In the basc-la'; basc-la'; ball world restored, major and minor league club owners, the country over, face the future with a feeling of con- r Qdence-a feeling that the grand old ' |