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Show Important to Mothers Examine carefully every bottle of CASTOIUA, a safe and su-'e remedy for Infanta and ch'ldren. and see that it Signature of In Use for Over 30 Years. Children Cry for Fletcher's Castoria fits, Frtr.rrsT, fai.i-ixo sioknfks Stopped yulcUlv. Fifty yi-ars nf tliilntornipicil ' mccss of ir. Kline's Kplit'psr Medici no Insures V inslini.' results. l.AKO v. Tkiai. H'm I.K MtKK. DK. KLINE COMl'ANV, ltoil J Sunk, N. J. AclT. Why That Lame Back?) Morning lameness, sharp twinges when bending, or an all-day back-ache; back-ache; each is cause enough to sus- v -. pect kidney trouble. Get after the cause. Help the kidneys. Wo Americans go it too hard. We overdo, overeat and neglect our sleep and exercise and so we are fast becoming a nation of kidney sufferers. 72 more deaths than in 1890 is the 1910 census story. Use Doan's Kidney Pills. Thousands Thou-sands recommend them. An Idaho Case S. D. Inghram, 2402 ""rr Pie. E. Main St., Lewiston, ViVS ""-'Til?' Idaho, says: "I was so V St"y' . crippled with rheumat- vSnNs. ' ic pains, that for two ( j years I had to hobble v. & i I around on crutches. 1 (a I fa was a burden and 1-fcsjrTj mm my back ached all fly J the time. My system HpV'i was filled with uric ff y$&.J acid, my sight was d 4f'$K s poor and my kidneys t& ' terribly disordered. rj' 'rXK 1 "When I had almost fiziri'im I given up hope Doan's Kid my .Pills B cured me. The cure has lasted." I Get Doan's at Any Store, 50c a Box I DOAN'SK f FOSTER-M1LBURN CO.. BUFFALO. N. Y. Constipation L Vanishes Forever Prompt Relief Permanent Cure CARTER'S LITTLE "V LIVER PILLS never V fail. Purely vegeta- r ble act surely ,.;ti7RTFR but gently on :;MsSTTIC the liver. W i lrn Stop after Jjt-jr llVER dinner dis- Jilm" tress cure jr fa indigestion, improve the complexion, brighten the eyes. SMALL PILL, SMALL DOSE, SMALL PRICE. Genuine must bear Signature Every Woman Wants FOR PERSONAL HYGIENE Dissolved in water for douches stops PItic catarrh, ulceration and inf lam-' I r ation. Recommended by Lydia E ,4 J'inkham Med. Co, for ten years. A healing wonder for nasal catarrh, sore throat and sore eyes. Economical. Hat extra ordinary creaming and germicidal power. Samp la Free. 50c all drugRiali, or potpaid by mail. The PaTton Toilet Company. Boston, Mbm. J Kill All Flies! Thoe;.LT.ad Placed anywhere .Daisy Fly KllUr attracts and kills all fliaa, Meat, clean, ornamental, convenient, end cheap. BsI'vFly Killer 1 by xprea, prepaid, f 1.00. HAROLD SOMERS, 160 DeKalb Ave,, Brooklyn, N. V. i DI in LOSSES SUREIY PREVENTED III ll ,14 y Cutter's Blackloo Pills. Low-ULXlWla. Low-ULXlWla. priced, fresh, reliable: preferred by Western stockmen becatine they pro- w toot where other vaccines fall. I m Write for booklet and testimonials. I K I0-doe pkoe. Btaekleg Pills $1.00 JLA-JX 5 (J -dose pkge. Blackleg Pills 4.00 Use any Iniectnr, but Cutter's host. The superiority of Cutter products la due to over IS yearn of spocinliring in vacelnes and serums only. Insist on Cutter's. If unnhtnlnaMe. order direct. THE CUTTER LABORATORY, Berkeley, California. &W4 PARKER'S ftSfclJ HAIR BALSAM IrTr'Ka toilet preparation of merit. Jp 1 Holpa to eradicato dtuidrufT. i'isKk t 1 For Reatoriny Color and J 'SSW Beauty to Gray or Faded Hair. U&.t'iA-'l JYA 60c and fci.OOat Dm rein ta. 1 A GRIPPE .ipsi J cout'il tongue may minn I.ACRtrl'K. Try H I WEEKS' br"tkbuold fesS- , IhoyilloftcnrtroTrntB4- 90 - IMmLmd oua and pruleutftd tfiA. -w at ui arim n.or. OL(lKAI)0 K. It, .AM h.-hl by ns undor low prlru option, hav si nidi I y nrlvanc-'d; adlohiitiK Mtiu whrtii and air.-tll'ii farms. Th.; bent, Biir.st InvcHtmcnt. S 2. 0f0 Invested now will double in 18 mont lis. PftrLlculiirB free. V Yh( 4tii Devolnpinent Vo Denver, Colo. HUM OY WAT Kit helps when nil else Tills; grvntiHt dniK-friM", pleueant, paltitablH, -ura-tlvti water ever put out ; different from all other waters. A Rents wanted also. THE K.MAN MI O. CO., 14? 8 Curl f sSl .,l)eu ver.Colo. rOOKAI--Ve(flnliIe Sponce, grows in Call- ; for n la, In valuable for kitchen, hath, household house-hold cleaning, sinilnrv, hid' st ruetlhle. 10q Sample. Swaney, :i?8I,i,UllldK., SanVmnelaro. Avoid oporatliins. I'osittvo rciuodv rO E7 C tYoOilf Ri'siilus snn Writo f"r our r rv r. i. lo Book of Truth and Fuels To-Dav. S.utoM Rtmtdj Co.,Ocpt.C-60,219 S.Durbom Sl..Chicn W. N. U., Salt Lako City, No. 21-1916. Mealik hr o$kk WsmeK For Forty Years Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound Has Been Woman's Most Reliable Medicine Here is More Proof. To women who are suffering from some form of woman's special ills, and have a constant fear of breaking: rlown, the three following letters ought to bring hope : 14 1 ." f? Kbrth. Crrmrlon, THs. ""WTien I was 16 yeanr old I got married and at 18 years I gave birth to twins and it left me with very poor health. I could. not walk across the floor without having to sit. down to rest and it was hard for me to keep about and do my work. I went to a doctor and he told me I had a displacement and ulcers, and would, have to have an operation. This frightened me so-much so-much that I did not know what to do. llaving-heard llaving-heard of Lydia E, 1'inldiam's Vegetable Compound. I thought I would give it a trial and it made me as-well as-well as ever. I cannot say enough in favor of tha jnnkiiaia remedies." JSlrs. alatmb Asbach, JSorta (Jranaon,. Wis.. Testimony from Oklahoma. Lawton, Okla. ""When. I began to take Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound I seemed to be good for nothing. I tired easily and had headaches much of the time and was irregular. I took it again.: before my little child was born and it did me a wonderful amount o good at that time. I never fail to recommend Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to ailing women because it has done so much, for me." Sirs. A. L. McCaslajjd, 509 Have St., Lawton, Okla. From a Grateful Massachusetts Woman. Roxbury, Mass. "I was suffering from inflammation inflam-mation and was examined by a physician who found that my trouble was caused by a displacement. My symptoms were bearing down pains, backache, and sluggish liver. I tried sevei-al kinds of medicine medi-cine ; then I was asked to try Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. It has cured me and I am pleased to be in my usual good healt h by using it and highly recommend it." Mrs. B. M. Osgood, 1 Ilaynes Park, Roxbury, Mass. If vou want special advice write to Iiydia jijfeilll j E. Pinkham Medicine Co. (confidential) Lynn, Mass. Yonr letter will be opened, read and answered by n woman and held a strict confidence. A Famous Physician's Wonderful Discovery After a series of careful experiments and tests at the Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Sur-gical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y., covering many years Dr. Pierce, the medical director di-rector of that hospital, made announcement that he could prove that a medicine which he called "ANURIC" "was the best uric acid solvent now to be had. As a remedy rem-edy for those easily recognized symptoms of ic?ir.TTiraation as scalding urine, backache back-ache and frequent urination, as well as sediment in the urine, or if uric acid in the blood has caused rheumatism, lumbago, lum-bago, sciatica, gout, it is simply wonderful wonder-ful how quickly "Anuric" acts; causing the pains and stiffness rapidly to disappear. disap-pear. Swollen hands, ankles, feet are due to a dropsical condition, often caused by disordered kidneys. Naturally when the kidneys are deranged the blood is filleifl with poisonous waste, matter, which settles set-tles in the feet, ankles and wrists; o under the eyes in bag-like formations. It is just as necessary to keep the ki(S neys acting properly as to keep the boir els active. The very best possible way to take car of yourself is to take a glass of hot wateir before meals and an "Anuric" tablet. Ira this way it is readily dissolved with t0 food, picked up by the blood and finally reaches the kidneys, where it has a tonia effect in rebuilding those organs. Step into the drug store and ask for m 50-ccnt package of "Anuric," or send Dr. Pierce 10c for trial pekg. "Anuric" many ( times more potent than lithia, eliminate uric acid as hot water melts sugar. A ehorfc triaJ will convince you. Adv. I Buy materials that last Ceriam-teed f J I-ully guaranteed JTO For Me by dealer1 V 1 -be;V IrOOlEnO everywhere M re.pon6.bd.ty JJ at rea.onable price, j I General Roofing Manufacturing Company k H World's largest manufacturers of Hoofing and Building Papers j 1 "rl.m I.Q. Ai.n.1.1 ,.,n,.,ll, kn... Ill; h..llll I ,i ,..,,! I. ACI.nl. Klrhmoud .lot.. loo ..' B,a..( ii'. |