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Show The lews pi e Nutshell i Every-day Events iCarefuIly Chronicled Mrs. Pearl V. French has opened & music studio in the new i'beil building. build-ing. Doctors Mills and Pingreewill speak iu the M. E. Church, next Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock on the subject of Sunday Sehool work in Utah. There is another assistant cashier t '; the Milford State Bank, the newcomer arriving Wednesday of this week, and is stopping with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Street. He weighed ninr and a half pounds but will soon pick j up. t Now's the chance to visit your Salt Lane friends. The railroad has in-! augurated a rate of otui tare lor rounds' tiip, Milford to Salt Lake, eveiy. natuiday, with return tUe following day; tnis rate is good only on jNo. 2, we are informed. The W. C. T. U. ladies have chauged the time of the,r regular meetings from Friday to the second aud fourth Weduesday ol eacn month. The. meeting of the 24th iust, will be held in iho M. E. church and will be a very impurtant one, aud the i flicers are I especially desirous that the ladies of j tue rroject atteua, wnetner meniDeis; of the Union or uot, as a matter of I great interest to the Project will be ' discussed. ! i About forty of the friends of Prol-; essoi and Mrs. Draper, gathered ai the HifaU boiioul, Tuesuay evening to ieu der good will aud well wishes and to express their reretat their d.-panuie tor new euucaiaonal tiieids. 'ine uliair was under the auspices of thu com mitieesot iheHome and school Orgau- ( ization, who presented the honor guests with a Uanusome set of cutleiy as a lareweil token of their appreciation. appreci-ation. Re. resbnien ts Were served ao appiopriaie remaiks and responses were made. Having bees imormed that a report baa beeu circulated to the eflect thai the Forgie Apartment building w as unsafe un-safe by reason of faulty construction, uie owner, Airs. Forgie, desiivs the NEWS to say thai such a report is not only without, foundation, out ab aoiuiey ridiculous, as w e . According to the rumor, the state Luiluing Inspector In-spector has condemned or at least disapproved t:;e structure, bu Mrs. Korgie state that had this heen tlu case, she, as owusr; would have betn the first to hear from said geiitlumau-Sue geiitlumau-Sue believes the report is simply the wurs: of i hosts udtriendty to her an,.. wishes to publicly state that it she can obtam proof as m the identity oi the person or persona who are' responsible re-sponsible for the rumor, she will prosecute pros-ecute them to the full extent of the law. Hotel guests from nearby points. At ihe Atkin; Pete Potello, John, Arthur, James and Douglas Kyau, all of Newhouse; Frauk Lyman, Parowan; Cera Church, Pauguitch; fcid Carter Bob Mchesney, Walker Baxter, J. t. Cundeu, from Minersvi'le; E. Chap-uiau Chap-uiau and J. b. Lash Irom Nada; Kueben Hutchino, Beaver. At the Milford; A. W. Morrison, Richfield; E. O. Davie, Moscow; John Martensen, Victor Decker, Stanley beuson, Douglas Miller, all from Parowan; Par-owan; J.C. McGarry and wife, Emma Osborne, E. N. Thompson Beaver; Miah Day, Filimore. Two Fires This Week The local fire department was tailed out twii e this week to extinguish fires iu the business center of town, oue Monday afternoon, when an old shed in the rear of the Hardy property, on v-be west side of Main Street caught fire from some unknown cause, aud was quickly destroyd. Tho second conflagration occured Tuesday evening aud completely destroyed de-stroyed the dwelling house of P. B. .VicKeou, to the rear of the Forgie Apartments. The firemen battled heroically with the flames but were at a aisadvautage through detective and insiiffijieut apparatus, as well as oecause of the start the flames had already secured wnen they reached tue sueue. They succeeded, however, in safeguarding the surrounding property. prop-erty. .It is not known how thu fire started; Mr. McKeou was absent Irom iha houoe at tile time, f e states that there was a small insurance ou houe and contents which were totally destroyed. de-stroyed. An early moruiug olaze in ne hoard walk or the Beard dwelling adjoining, was discovered by vigiiaut Watcnmenaua promptly extinguished, dad there beeu any wiuo blowing at tlie time, either ot the fires occured, uuere v ouid have Ueen a greater lots to record. These fires simply give auiphasis 10 the crying need lor a general c.eau up of condiiious which invite such conflagrations, aud unless tuis is doue, Aiilioro will some day have a tire that will owei p the tuwn from end to end. |